{K:3770} 3/13/2005
Is it at the campus?
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 5/6/2004
Beautiful, crystal clear, wonderful colour and perspective. Another beauty Jeff, well done ...Christine
Elahe S. Ahmadian
{K:8695} 5/5/2004
dear jeff, as i told you before, canada is one of the most beautiful countries to my eyes, i have seen vancouver, but by your photos i can see that every part of canada is beautiful and splended. very good photo.
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 5/5/2004
Appealing cityscape! Very well done and composed. The best to you! Hugo.
{K:30945} 5/4/2004
Nice view Jeff ;-) Kisses, Biliana
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 5/4/2004
Great details.Beautiful wiew.Nice lights and colors too.Congrats my friend again another splendid work. Regards..Orazio
Moji Tehrani
{K:2678} 5/4/2004
Beautiful town, great composition.
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 5/4/2004
Great city! Very clean! Very clear and beautiful photo! Carolyn
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 5/4/2004
Hi, Jeff, you do live in a wonderful city! Fantastic capture...as you always do! Congrats! Carme
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 5/4/2004
And a very pristine photograph! Very nice composition, looks like it could have been a challenge but you did it!!
Yes...very tidy; is it always this way? (or did you clone out trash??) I'm hopeful that it's always this way!!
Lori ;)
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 5/3/2004
Great composition!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice landscape, Jeff.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/3/2004
Hi Jeff, good shot, I like the tree in the foreground and the wide DOF. Very well captured and composed, my friend! It sure is immaculate in Calgary....;o)
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 5/3/2004
Calgary is a very nice city,and very tidy,too, as your photo shows!Wonderful colours and composition,thanks for commenting my photos,Ursula
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 5/3/2004
great colors ans composition! regards.
Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 5/3/2004
Excellent light and composition Jeff, good work. Regards Walter
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 5/3/2004
beautiful composition again Jeff,I like the lighting also, best regards,Burak