Hi, Jamie Although you saw my latest post but you failed to leave a comment (sure, I understand you're too busy to make time for UF), I cannot leave this photo of Perth uncommented for two reasons: 1) It's Perth and I will always comment on photos of this fascinating city 2) I can't believe you chose to desaturate the beautiful original image and give it a colour which I'm not sure whether it is sepia or B&W. Needeless to say I prefer the colour version, which is a jewel. Look at the light on the ferry and the superb buildings of the skyline. Doesn't it come out much better in the original? Moreover....the drammatic look you probably wanted to give , doesn't suite this lovely "SUNNY" city, especially not the modern architecture of the skyline and so, the version you posted appears dull to me and doesn't covey any feel or mood. Sorry, Jamie, it is probably only a matter of views but that's is what I really think. Another thing is that I don't like much the grain effect. The composition is superb, the ferry and the smoke reflecting the pale autumn light adds some dynamsm to the image. Very beautiful are also the positioning of the seagull and the texture of the water. You undoubtedly captured a fantastic moment. It's only a shame that you made the colours disappear. Nevertheless a great shot. Hugs - Emgy