Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 6/27/2004
ok.. I WILL concede that the cat is better looking than I am...
{K:3946} 6/27/2004
JK, Man and Cat has us all beat...
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 6/27/2004
I think that I'M my hottest model!!
{K:3946} 6/27/2004
id like to reiterate the fact that i want this man... one of Kane's HOTTEST models, mmm hmmm
zosia zija
{K:11106} 6/1/2004
Ayse Telci
{K:4168} 5/26/2004
Andrew Caldwell
{K:18307} 5/9/2004
Van Gogh meets Polaroid. WOW! Wonderful texture.
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 5/8/2004
yes sir ! ...even if the cat looks a little bit frozen !
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 5/8/2004
so a polaroid manipulation, indeed i was not realy sure cose i knew you dont like filters...but i was in need for an unswer...!!!thanks i wish i could play with a polaroid...
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 5/8/2004
dear Ana ... no filters .. this is a polaroid manipulation done before photoshop was even thought of..
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 5/8/2004
my dear Jonathan....this is a curiosity and an adventure in n filters field , or is it not???? got a bit van Gogh texture though not the colours
Erzebet M
{K:1277} 5/8/2004
The cat looks like a painted cat, not a real cat..so odd. Poor poloroid, but it is a lovely photo Makes my eyes go @_@
{K:3946} 5/8/2004
i think i might want this man if he's a homosexual.
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 5/8/2004
why haven't YOU posted the one I like? hmm?
{K:1331} 5/8/2004
i wanted to tell u yesterday that i loved this one a lot, but i got disconnected hehehgrrrrrrr! so i love this photo A LOT!!!!!! :))) and want my polaroid
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 5/7/2004
poor pola treated cruelly :)