Dominika Korzeniewska
{K:286} 12/9/2005
great idea :)
Miguel Martinez
{K:5507} 6/16/2004
Augusto, Me gusta esta creación. Esa vieja y maltratada entrada combinada con el cielo, no sé, si buscamos podríamos asociar con muchas cosas. Felicitaciones! Miguel, desde BsAs
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 5/22/2004
eveytime i see this image i interpret it differntly. this is why i like it, i guess...it gives you the possibility to see so many things through that gate and beyond... bravo!
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 5/18/2004
Very creative work , almost dream like. Dan
Andrea Zanetta
{K:910} 5/18/2004
Me acuerda mucho la pellicula "Angel heart" lift for hell, Augusto! Muy buen trabajo, tambien sin palahuras lo entendì! Chau nos vemos rapido, Andrès
Andriete Paris
{K:2381} 5/18/2004
Excellent, August... Great composition and colors. Congrats
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 5/18/2004
This is a surreal dreamlike image however the darkened stairway elicits a nightmare quality wherein a dream can suddenly take an unexpected turn. The graffiti and shadows on the coppery wall just beneath the back windows are ominous. The light above provides little to illuminate the way down. You don't want to go down those stairs and now is the time to wake up. Excellent dramatic capture August **Christine
Olaf Redrum
{K:19} 5/18/2004
Bella questa...c'era di mezzo un vetro?
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/17/2004
quasi vicino a casa mia.. grazie per la mail.. domani ti scrivo scusandomi già per il ritardo! ottima foto taglio stretto e bel lavoro.. complimenti! roby
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 5/17/2004
Remind me many years ago,a TV series,called flying cabin,beutiful fantasy colour and original,regards,Saeed
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 5/17/2004
Ciao August,innanzitutto grazie per il tuo gentilissimo commento alla mia foto,e poi complimenti per il tuo lavoro.Hai un modo bellissimo e simpatico di elaborare e personalizzare i tuoi lavori. Orazio
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 5/17/2004
porque el lugar al cual se llega es definitivo... This is a very deep thought, August, that goes so well with your creation. What a great imagination you have. From a banal, every day life moment, you direclty to poetry. Non stop :) Marília
{K:30945} 5/17/2004
Love your concept. very creative! Kiss, Biliana
August Retrosesos
{K:1439} 5/17/2004
En la realidad es la escalera para pasar de binario. En mi foto significa la llegada, de ahi solo se llega, no se parte mas, porque el lugar al cual se llega es definitivo.
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 5/17/2004
Gran trabajo...(espera, me pongo las gafas) me encanta...es la entrada al metro? Besos.