{K:26787} 9/4/2004
She looks really happy with that wig :) Very good work! Thanks for your comment!
Tiago Ceccon
{K:-5} 6/24/2004
a modelo esta com um sorriso bem natural a foto ficou muito boa! ah se voce puder visite minhas fotos também...
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 5/21/2004
Good full frame capture, pleasant tones and nice work.
Johann Pinto
{K:-720} 5/21/2004
Marta, this pic is wonderful by nature and by light. Thank you for your comments on my most recent picture. I am from Venezuela, but live in Canada. You work is great, TIENE SABOR Y COLOR. Love.Johann Pinto
Nuno Palha
{K:2048} 5/20/2004
Gira quer dizer bonita juntamente com engraçada e alegre. Desculpa não ter sido mais específico.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 5/20/2004
Fantastic, she is very pretty and her smile makes me happy!! Unusual toning, but I like it. Hugs Max
Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 5/20/2004
O que é muito gira?
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 5/20/2004
:)) !!!
Nuno Palha
{K:2048} 5/20/2004
Muito gira e alegre. Bjo.
Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 5/20/2004
Thank you
Predrag Sudar
{K:5075} 5/20/2004
Excellent, Marta! Congrats!
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 5/20/2004
Wonderful portrait and expression, very good lighting and composed.