Steve, I have no problem sending you my address for such a great gift. But, I would rather you just post the photos from today and tomorrow and maybe mention Nathan as just one of those who chose to serve, one who volunteered their time and willingly would give their all to keep this nation strong. Nathan is a straight A student in college. He wants to work for NASA. He joined for a chance to get his foot in the door at NASA. Before he left, we had a long talk and I told him, "One day, your country may call on you to put your life on the line. One day, you may be asked to give more than you have received. Are you prepared to accept that?" He said, "Yes." 3 months after he enlisted 9/11 happened. Nathan is just one of thousands who understands what this is all about. A greater gift to me and my family would be to post some solid, honest shots from Memorial Day honoring all who serve and have served. Thanks for the offer. I hope you understand. (wellllllll, maybe I will give ya the address and ya can send me a beer or two!) Jim