I changed the title of this photograph because it occurred to me that maybe what I was seeing and what others were seeing weren't the same thing. Of course maybe that's what art is all about :-]
Excellent pic, i hope that is of the migration of the canadien geeses , here never I have seen them arrive, although some say that they make it, but I was lived many years in the field and I have been hunter (Falconer) almost all my life and I never saw them here , for that I don't believe that they arrive until Perú. Congratulations
love to see the flight of geese . . . when I hear them coming, I always run outside to watch them pass over. I would love to see this image convey that powerful feeling that I experience with this event, but whether it is because the bird's flight is so small, or the sky so generally uniform, that idea is not conveyed. however, the imagery of this beautiful "V" across the sky IS!