Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 7/7/2004
Excellent work Leslie
Igor Dashevskiy
{K:293} 6/25/2004
Very Good
Richard Dong
{K:1738} 6/22/2004
They look like fish up in the heavens, the background appears almost to be a field of stars.
I like Deniz's comment about us being fish.
deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 6/21/2004
actually i realized last year suddenly that we are all fish. great image.
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 6/20/2004
Beautiful ... swimming with the stars..K
Leslie Hancock
{K:910} 6/20/2004
As Fabio has noticed, my photos over the last few months are taking the form of haibun, little travels to small places. Last weekend and this weekend it was the NY Botanical Garden, an oasis worth sipping from if the week's work has left a bad taste in your mouth.
These koi probably thought I had a handful of whatever koi like to eat, but no. The specks in the water are the usual flotsam. Ian: I liked the patterns the fish made, broken by the huge boss koi, who swam to nobody's tune. And the halo effect caused by bright sun in dim water.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 6/20/2004
'... in the eyes of the fish there are tears' (bashô)
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/20/2004
Another revelation as here http://www.usefilm.com/image/408911.html Makes me wonder what is organizing these fish. It is the big guy somehow or a sprinkling of food (or SOMETHING ELSE). That glow around the central fish is intriguing.