Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 1/18/2005
Pat, this is an interesting story and interesting fotograph. I am perplexed though. I see below that you say f/6.7 for the aperture, yet the OOF background has more bokeh than I can achieve with even my Zeiss 80mm set at 2.8. But from this perspective the people in the back only look to be a meter or so from this wonderful foreground person.
Well anyway good fotograph.
Sherry S
{K:2757} 6/26/2004
The title is perfect...I like seeing her family in the background.
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 6/23/2004
love the blurred background. excellent work.
Elizabeth O'Neal
{K:4436} 6/22/2004
A nice vision here Pat. You made the most of the opportunity! Good work.
{K:30945} 6/22/2004
Love it. excellent! Kisses, Biliana
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 6/22/2004
Thanks Dina~1/180, f6.7. :)
Michael Grace-Martin
{K:10183} 6/22/2004
Lots of depth in this shot, in more ways than one! At a symbolic level, I think it's great. At an aesthetic level--even though the background of people is nicely blurred--the woman in the foreground only just barely stands out against the background (even though she's the only one in sharp focus) making it a little difficult to really see her at first. The details of her skin, hair, and glasses is just terrific though. Regards..:)
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 6/22/2004
this is brilliant. would love to know your settings to achieve this depth!
Beverly Bodishbaugh
{K:1576} 6/22/2004
Nice DOF, Pat. I agree w/ Cindi....this has a story.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 6/22/2004
excellent photo.. very dramatic.. love the b&w... nice work
c c
{K:13449} 6/22/2004
Pat, Love this shot! Your title is perfect...and the blurred backgound of her heirs really adds the depth!
P.S. Glum indeed!!! Still laughing!
Cindi Czaja
{K:5314} 6/22/2004
Pat well this definitely has a storyline to it - The lense used would also appear to be a faster one with the DOF I see...creates a more moodier shot with available light. I like your composition, makes her very strong as title suggests. A move to a more journalistic approach here, nice feel. Kind Regards, Cindi