Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 6/23/2004
Del I think you posted the right photo in the end- for some reason the neare to the ground images dont grab my attention as much as I thought they would. I like the way you have set up the original with the rows radiating out. Pretty crop - nasty habit!
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 6/23/2004
Gabrielle Your comment and Jimmy was nearly the same. Please see my response to Jimmy. I also tried a shot from ground level. Yes my knees were already dirty from fishing. I will show you that effort also. Del.

Del Metheny
{K:25617} 6/23/2004
Jimmy, Thanks for your suggestion. Both you and Gabrielle made similiar suggestions. Actually when I filmed I took about 6 angles trying to experiment. I took two shots at about the angle I think you had in mind. I even took one from below the plants. Because the leaves blocked a shot down each row I decided to use the one I did. I will you and Gab. one from that angle and please let me know whatyou think. I am trying to learn and appreciate advice. I will be watching for you Az postings too. Del.
 ground level |
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 6/23/2004
Love that dirt, especially since it's dry; and, I love the shade of green of the plants. Gabrielle has a good point on a different perspective for a shot of this field. Getting down low enough at the end of the rows and aiming your camera just over the tops of the tobacco plants should produce a dramatic photo.
Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 6/23/2004
I like this shot. I would possibly like it EVEN more if you were on the ground looking along the rows. Yes you will get dirty knees..
Susan Cropper
{K:2166} 6/22/2004
Somebody needs to be hoeing weeds! That used to be my job. Hated it! I grew up on a tobacco farm in Kentucky. Raising tobacco is hard work.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 6/22/2004
Absolutely they look so innocent and lush, nice shot Margaret