claudia kessler
{K:133} 1/24/2005
i was looking at newborn photos and came across your trilogy. for some reason, it broke my heart. parenthood makes one very emotional. beautiful emotion. beautiful photos....claudia
{K:12969} 11/30/2004
the best
Miguel Torres
{K:3998} 10/6/2004
EXCELLENT SERIES!!!!!!!!!, very impresive work!!!, the black and white is magical in these 3 photos.
Congratulations, 7/7
Miguel Torres
Michele Occhi
{K:810} 8/5/2004
Superb! Perfect lighting! Many compliments to the model as well, the expression is absolutely full of emotion and well describes a face that has seen many things. A frame would be excellent to highlight the right part. 7!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/1/2004
Hi John, thanks for your comment. The lack of distortion is because I used full zoom on this shot. With portraits, I usually shoot as 105 mm. This time with the Nikon 28-105mm, but usually with a sigma 105 - f/2.8. And the D100 takes interchangeable lenses, which have less tendency to distort than the C5050z's built in lens. Good to have you back!
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 8/1/2004
Very good portrait my friend. I like a lot the diagonal position so the diagonal ''line' the ''cut'' the face between the bright and the darker - shadowed. Also I must say that I cannot find any strong transform at the face from the lens, normaly this could be happen because of the small of the distance. Ok, perchaps you can use little bit the Zoom so the noise will be also in the DOF (it looks little bit closer than the DOF so little bit blur) BUT without strong transforms as I write you. Nice excpretion too, a sleep after a difficult day for this old person. Thanks very much for the great comment my friend. It is nice to see you again. Warm regards!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/1/2004
Hi Richard, Math is correct. good suggestion on the nose hair! I'll make sure I'll remove it before I print it. ) My dad didn't give me a hard time about that hair, but he completely dislikes his photo to be taken. Not an easy subject for that matter.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 8/1/2004
A dignified and unusual portrait of an 81 year old (if I did the math correctly). Possibly, even more dignity would result from the removal of that one white nose hair. I hope he didn't give you a bad time about it! The horizontal frame and dense black on the left is a study in creativity.
Elizabeth O'Neal
{K:4436} 8/1/2004
I absolutely love this series! These close-ups make a very emotional story of life and the transformation of age. Very cool vision here!
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 7/31/2004
superb portrait, Hugo! 7/7 Groetjes, Regina
Ryan McMillen
{K:1218} 7/30/2004
Age is such a cool thing. the viewer can get whatever he or she wants out of the photo some get fear, some get happiness thinking upon what the aged figure has been through.... some get courage..... age in anything is a great image to capture... be it in an old couch, a wrinked person or a tractor sitting in an open field.... age lets the mind drift and create an ever lasting story.... Thanks hugo for looking at my work ryan
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 7/28/2004
good one hugo.. not a minute to spare, regards roger
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 7/25/2004
Another very strong picture.Well done. Regards jorge
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 7/23/2004
geniale !!!!
Fernando Diniz
{K:1236} 7/21/2004
Excellent sequence of photos. Very criative
Kam Broumand
{K:-82} 7/20/2004
Hi Hugo,
Wow great shot! The shadow works very well. i like the title you have given!
Great work
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 7/19/2004
The rest of the wise man? after so many years and after a so terrible son ;)) he needs relaxing. And after so many comments there is no more room for new observations, just a welcome back to this crazy community, hope everything is ok with you and with your family. Thanks for your comments on my photos Hugo, it was a busy day and now also I need a bit of relax ;) See you soon, Max :)
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 7/19/2004
Hugo. je maakte een mooie serie Erg orgineel Teunis
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 7/19/2004
Great series!!!! very emotional. Paolo
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 7/13/2004
A very good series, with top quality composition, sensitiveness and love exuding throughout.
Looking at the shots together, I can't help the following thought: the one of you, in the middle, should have been upright, and not tilted. That way the series, together, could look like a dial, like a clock that marks time.
Regards, Angelo.
Diego Dotta
{K:3172} 7/10/2004
Big Wolf! Wonderful! Rate? 7 excellent >>!
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 7/9/2004
This is so great, Hugo! I would love it on it's own, but seeing this with your previous two photos just makes it so very very special! With three photos you actually show the whole and only real meaning of life!
Raamses Ortiz
{K:4408} 7/9/2004
Hi Hugo,
Fantastic portrait photo of your Dad, who I may say for what I see here. Has age with grace. The tones and contrasts.
Congrast my friend,
Be seeing you...
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/8/2004
Hi Stefan, Thanks for your comment. The original idea with this triptych was to compose a montage. It's still in the pipeline, I expect to finish it in a few weeks time... I think it will be entirely diffent than you expect... )
The difference in lighting was not intentional, but merely a result of shooting on different days and in different settings using only natural light. In the conversion process I tried to equal it to an acceptable difference...
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 7/8/2004
There he is - well worth the wait too :-) I'd be curious to see how you compose a montage of these as there are so many possibilities (please post if it does not mess up your three-at-a-time sensibility :-) I like the slightly different qualities of lighting (even if not intended) as it accentuates the differences in skin tone at these three ages.
{K:16125} 7/7/2004
excellent in every way.... wow...very nice moment to capture and treasure...well seen ..
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 7/7/2004
Hi Hugo!
Very good Idea and fantastic Professional implementation. Superb serie. I like very muck your exteremely fine and sharp, well lighted, fine toned pics. Interesting to see the effect of the shadows on similar, but differnet faces. Compliments from Hungary, Radák 7
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 7/7/2004
Endearing gentle capture. A content Opa who is serene in the knowledge that he has done his job well. Wonderful trio of family images and the titles are mint.
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 7/6/2004
Dear Hugo, I'm not sure that in 26017200 minutes you will looks like your dad as much as your son looks like you at present, but who know..... by then your son will possibly have the same thoughts you expressed above. Maybe he will love photography also and will even take shots for a similar series. Wouldn't it be great???? Another beautiful portrait, Hugo, although I like this less than the previous two for its quality. I agree about the top right spot. It's definitely not overexposed but.....there's something else I'd like to remark. I think that the whole right side of the image is slightly out of focus (or maybe it's only the effect caused by the harsh light) and as a consequence the texture of the skin went lost. I would have cropped out about 2cm along the right side. I don't think that it would make the composition unbalanced. There would still be enough space left next to the eye and corner of the mouth. Besides, there would be more balance between the dark and the light tones. Nevertheless, it's a very nice shot Cheers - Emgy
Tim Bronkhorst
{K:9391} 7/6/2004
Very nice composition, close up. I like the lightfall on his face and the lines they show. His closed eye's are the tip on the ice berg. Excellent.
Greets Tim.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 7/6/2004
Great control light and beautiful details in this B/W work. Orazio
jon parsons
{K:13639} 7/6/2004
Dear Hugo, looking at this makes me feel like im getting older by the minute! very nice work my friend! ....jon
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 7/6/2004
Nice picture Hugo... And great the message you have transpired with your three picutes...Three generations.... Love the lines in the face of your father... And I like very much the lighting...
P.S. Please give a kiss from me to your son....
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 7/5/2004
Hi Hugo,
I am a bit late with my comments - so I find it hard to add something that has not been said already...I also think it is a great tryptich, indeed well worth framing! I especially appreciate the (successful!) effort you took in making similar frames, it enhances the features you have in common.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/5/2004
Hi Faride, you've summarised my intentions with this triptych perfectly. Where others perceive a couple of family portraits, I tried to take it one (little) step further. I owe a great deal to my dad, and I hope I'm given the opportunity to let him enjoy his age. And you are right about your opening statement. I really enjoy those "childhood influences" that seem to surface... ) I value your comment alot, thank you...!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/5/2004
Hi Christian, thanks for your comment, you are absolutely right. The human virtues are more important than the transmission of genes. I owe my dad a great deal, and I too salute him! Much appreciated,
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 7/5/2004
You are a very clever storyteller, and photographer, and father... Human virtues are more important to transmit than genes. A salute to your father !
Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 7/5/2004
Great portrait Hugo ! Excellent B&W work with a splendi light and definition, Congrats Regards..Walter
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 7/5/2004
Hi Hugo,very good shot and nice and strong end for the serie! Regards Baki
{K:30945} 7/5/2004
Great idea and concept dear Hugo. Love it. Thank you dear! Kisses, Biliana
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 7/5/2004
a notable series Hugo the title and the theme are exceptional the cut and the photos a novelty... and it is not easy compliments gino
Faride Valigholizadeh
{K:496} 7/5/2004
Have you heard of ?being older is like getting back to childhood in some aspects? !? Comparing these three portraits, the granny and the baby are with close eyes which can be so described: the one from tiredness & the baby from careless. But both are somehow fragile. The middle one (yours) is the one who stay mostly conscious, awake and aware to both sides. This series has lots of precious stories in themselves.
Regards, Farideh
Bobby Mun
{K:3709} 7/5/2004
Hi Hugo, very emotional portrait ! Very nice tone and details. Excellent close-up & title too :>
Cheers ! Bobby
{K:6651} 7/5/2004
Very good, Hugo, and different!!!!
Peter Domotor
{K:1854} 7/5/2004
Hi Hugo,
It's a fantastic idea, and great series. As always, portraits are all excellent as always. my best regards durmi
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 7/5/2004
Hele mooie foto Hugo, je hebt veel gelaatstrekken van je vader. Groetjes, Rob.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 7/5/2004
Dag hugo, I think this one is the best of your series Good work, Tank for your visit and comment, Best wishes, Riny
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/5/2004
Hi Thilo, thanks for your comment. About the grain, I already reduced it a bit with Neat Image, but also in order to maintain the consistency between the previous two shots, I deliberately did not remove it all...
And yeah, this one was to be expected...;o)
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/4/2004
Dear Hugo,
ah finally, the last in series. This picture was kind of foreseeable ;-)
Technically, I love the combination of darker/lighter side. that makes the image - together with the closed eyes (but that's the emotional part). Small things that I would probably work on: the grain in the darker area and the upper right. the small overexposed spot is kind of disturbing. but really minor things. great series.
take care, Thilo
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/4/2004
Hi Saeed, Thanks for your reply. Means alot to me! Thanks my friend!
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/4/2004
Superb composition, Hugo ~ I particularly like the placement of the eyes. A fine tribute to your dad! Kind regards, Chris
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/4/2004
Hi Lori, Thanks for your comment... I agree on a frame, but I doubt if the crop on the right would do any good. My dads white hair also creates part of the image / message. Thanks for your comment!
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 7/4/2004
Grandfather, father and the son, thoughtful Inspirational Family from the heart, wonderful family tree, but still growing, exceptional, congrats, Saeed
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 7/4/2004
A bold and intensive portrait, Hugo. Your father I am assuming! A nice tribute to him. I like it, and yes, I agree about the need for a frame, and slight crop upper right.
Very nice job, Lori ;)
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 7/4/2004
This series is fantastic!!A very great idea! Excellent!!! So beautiful job! My regards!
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 7/4/2004
great shot.. filled with emotions.. :)
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 7/4/2004
Excellent portrait Hugo
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 7/4/2004
It,s amazing to Me how in this fragment of Your father's face is the story of His life! In the wrinkles, in the eyes , in the lips there are countless stories of His being!This photo to Me reveals alot about life! Thanks Hogo for sharing this wonderful photograph!My best to You and He!.......JOHN
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 7/4/2004
un dettaglio unico e impareggiabile...veramente incisivo e di grande effetto..ciao
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 7/4/2004
Now that this tryptich is finished I must admit it is gorgeous not only for nice photography (each one is good, from the baby to the grandfather) but also for the clever idea to construct a story; it is like a extra-terrestrial photographer after a trip on this land showing its results about human age. The particular close-up on faces is a good choice and angles too are nice; finally fine BW choice is the best one even if some details must be much more visible in color versions. Very well seen Hugo
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 7/4/2004
very well captured with nice details and lighting,I like the shadow on the face, regards,Burak
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/4/2004
Hi Gerhard, that's exactly what I have in mind...;o) Thanks for your comment,
Eric van Houtum
{K:502} 7/4/2004
Great trio! Would have liked the frame too though. Cheers, Eric
{K:26787} 7/4/2004
Excellent! This series of yours is just GREAT! The eyes are closed a lot of the time in the beginning/in the end (and in the middle the look is serious most of the time ...)
Thanks for your comment Hugo, very much appreciated :)
Gerhard Hoogterp
{K:4863} 7/4/2004
I can only agree with the others. Beautiful series. They deserve a nice frame and a place on the wall together..Great work..
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/4/2004
Hi Arwa,
As I replied to Neil, I think you are right about the frame. Too late now... Thanks for your reply,
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 7/4/2004
Hugo your smart and know how to let the anticipation build up and when the time is just right u post a wonderful image!!
Amazing series one can see transformations through the year, and finally the older much wiser man is content and relaxed the tones and shades aren't that harsh here wish reminds us of the first pic
Perfect flawless image 7++++ wonder how it would look like with a frame tho?
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 7/4/2004
very emotional and intense portrait, I think the emotional aspect counts here....not the technique.... Congrats!
best regards, *Pia*
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 7/4/2004
Really fantastic close up. Regards, 'Surya'
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 7/4/2004
Very impressive, as usual. This series is fantastic, both talking about the creative idea and execution! Your work brings inspiration to me. Cheers, my friend! Carmem
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 7/4/2004
Fantastic portrait!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/4/2004
You're absolutely right! Should've framed this one by a very thin line.... Hmmm. Too late now. My dad's hair is white, and looking at the histogram, the shot is not overexposed. But I agree. Thanks!
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 7/4/2004
My how you've aged since becoming a father ;-) Oh, it's not you! Nice portrait Hugo... i would have been tempted to crop just a little on the top right corner, where either is hair or the over-exposed bit disappears into the white of the UF frame. Love the sharpness though. Nice work. PS my critcs liked your version :) i think they've got something against me. I posted a special one for you, Linn and Lori just before. Cheers Neil