John Loreaux
{K:86210} 9/9/2004
Thank You so much Alison! Your comments are very nice! My best.................JOHN ps I will add You as a friend and check on Your photos!
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 9/9/2004
This is very beautifully taken, such amazing clarity. It looks like it is going to fly right out of the picture. I have yet to capture a bird in flight, but we have the same camera, so I see it can be done. Thank you for the comment on my portfolio, you have beautiful photographs. Alison
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 7/21/2004
In your "Fly" you probably used a slower shutter speed, to accentuate the movement of the gull's wings. The result is stunning, John. Thanks for your comment on my "Following the trail". The black arrows might be the beginning of walking trails or signs for putting explosives for future expansion of the beach. Ragards, Rafi
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 7/13/2004
Hi Neil, Yes thats exactly what I meant by The "Count" It reminded me of count draculas cape.Thanks so much for checking out My photos Neil! My best.......JOHN
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 7/13/2004
Hi John, a great series, for which you got a deserved BIP well done! i actually prefer this image because here you are up close and it is more dynamic IMO. the way the frame is filled with the wings and the way he's flying towards us. Perfect. I'm not sure if you meant it, but i always think of Count Dracula on your "the COUNT", is this what you meant? Anyway nice work. Best wishes - Neil
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 7/8/2004
an award winning shot. gorgeous.
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 7/8/2004
John, this is absolutely beautiful. Great light and composition. Congrats
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 7/8/2004
Great moment. A science teacher could use this I think. Very nice shape and clambering over that wind pressure. The pole helps for some reason I can't explain. Congrats.
Paul Willy Thomsen
{K:11} 7/8/2004
wow - love it. i imagine the smile on your lips when you realised you pressed the button the right splitsecond... :)
xy x
{K:41915} 7/7/2004
remarkable flying moment and great spread of wings, excellent focus and shot, nice tones and contrast, perfect composed, congrats, best regards
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 7/6/2004
Great moment, John! Cheers! Carmem
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 7/5/2004
Looks like the bird was coming right at you. Nice capture. Don.
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 7/5/2004
Terrific, John, and it adds a lot to the series. Beautiful composition, sharpness, tones, and deceptively simple. Well done! (I am really loving this series.)
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 7/5/2004
Great moment! Wonderful serie John! Congrats.
Gene Zonis
{K:6949} 7/5/2004
First, I think B&W really makes this shot. This is a perfect capture. I guess tha Z1 can really do the job. Greetings from a fellow New Jersian- Freehold.
Daniel S. Garcia
{K:13946} 7/5/2004
Wow John this is beautiful. I love it. Excellent work. Daniel
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/5/2004
Super action shot, John! Best regards, Chris
Willem Pitel
{K:2762} 7/5/2004
This IS excellent John. Love the B&W. Great action.
{K:30945} 7/5/2004
wow. wonderful. and so close dear John, Love the force of nature so great in B&W! Kisses, Biliana
PS. Thank you for your hugs accros the world my dear John. Best for you and your wonderful family toooooooooooo!
bren sheehan
{K:1359} 7/5/2004
I think this is your best 'Tern' shot John, the 3/4 side view, the body dipped towards camera, the head slightly cocked, you must have been paying him in fish. I like the black and white too. Good work!
Edu Guedes
{K:3541} 7/5/2004
Beutiful moment, nice work ! Congrats.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 7/5/2004
Beautiful capture! You have excellent timing with these birds! Bravo! 7+++ from me!
c c
{K:13449} 7/5/2004
WOW! So crystal clear...this is really great John!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/5/2004
Funny how these birds always look soft no matter how well focused they are...you have a nice capture here with the take off..good timing and execution..regards,gayle (and thanks for previous comments to me as appreciate the encouragement!)