Tim Stevens
{K:642} 9/6/2004
that too will work...
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/4/2004
Tim.. all this seems like a bit too much work. I think I am better off giving a call to the girl, tell her to leave her husband at home and try to convince her to let me do a series of her under the shower.. ;-)
Tim Stevens
{K:642} 9/3/2004
Ivan and Ray, I see what you're talking about but disagree. Seems that the one thing that's missing for me is the lack of contrast. Looks like there's a little bit of vignetting on the left of the frame but it looks like a Photoshop addition (correct me if I'm wrong). Also, I like how dark her hair is versus the guy behind her.
I think this photo would really pop if there was a tad bit more contrast, a little tasteful and subtle dodging and burning, leave the back groun in color, and ditch the vignetting (or do it a little more subtley).
This is indeed a great image. Can't wait to see what happens to it. Experiment.
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 7/28/2004
wow this is soooooooo good Ivan..I like what ray did as well...a very nice shot though, regards rog
James Lee
{K:4790} 7/15/2004
Original and fresh. Captures the atmosphere.Fantastic composition.
Elif S
{K:595} 7/6/2004
Someone just told this woman the funniest secret. :)
{K:3054} 7/5/2004
Nice shot,Ivan.you konw I like this type. I quite agree with what Ray's say. I have a little suggest for this one,the underside of left corner is too dark!it just my opinion.actually It's well done,maleonn. (excuse for my poor english:)
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 7/5/2004
great capture!
Ray Witter
{K:6149} 7/5/2004
Ivan, me again, after looking at the desaturated image, I realized that there is still a problem, I believe it is the fact that the subjects hair on the right side of the photo (models left) blends right into the dark black suit of the man behind her. This could be fixed, but would take some considerable PS work to get it right. Just some random thoughts. Ray
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 7/5/2004
I get the idea, like it Ray, thank you very much. Agree with you on the distracting background... Actually, I had to crop the left side, there was a gigantic turk with a huge plate of profiterols that really really did not fit in the theme of the picture.
Ray Witter
{K:6149} 7/5/2004
Ivan, Great portrait, I think the background may be distracting from the main subject. I took the liberty of desaturating everything but the girl, did a quick selection, so its not anywhere perfect, but lets you get the idea. Let me know what you think. Reguards, Ray

Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 7/5/2004
Ahahaha... I am in Istanbul. Best city in the world!. This picture was taken yesterday night at Sunset in Ulus. Quite happy with the fashion sense of Istanbul socialites, they could go a bit easier on the Botox and the colagen implats but there we go, nobody is perfect....
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 7/5/2004
Ivan where are you? usa or istanbul? if in istanbul come and visit me we gotta talk about turkish primeministers wifes fashion taste ;) bahadir
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 7/5/2004
fantastica. 7