Michael Grace-Martin
{K:10183} 7/16/2004
Nice soft image with great colors..:)
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 7/7/2004
You outdid yourself on this one. Whatever flaws it might have are totally insignificant compared to the beauty of the overall scene. It was the perfect choice of effects for this picture.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 7/6/2004
Splendid work! . I loved
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 7/6/2004
In England that would be a wild river... nice soft tones. Very pastoral...I think I'll go get a lawn chair and set up, cold dark ale...and take a nap....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/6/2004
fantastic effects.. softness!! also a great gift for a great frined.. ciao... roby
jon parsons
{K:13639} 7/6/2004
Dear Gayle, lovely lovely work my dear friend! this is an incredibly beautiful rendition of the two lovely ducks... thank you for your thoughtful dedication to me....jon
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 7/6/2004
Beautiful composition, colors and lighting. This is a shot worthy of being on any wall! If I knew how to do the layers I'd tell you, and I'd want a copy on my wall! But I'm not good at it either. Still a beautiful shot. Jon will be very pleased with this tribute.
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 7/6/2004
OMG Gayle this is gorgeous. I just go gaga over the vivid vibrant green colour and their soft texture. Then there is the softer hued green carpet in the background with that glorious touch of pink. The ducks and their reflections are lovely. Truly is pastoral.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/6/2004
Thanks Paul, but i use Paint Pro8 and not sure if "underneath it" means using layers?..i am not adept at PP8 yet,so stick to minor adjustments like crop/soften/contrast..if you want,send info to my email...regards,gayle
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/6/2004
Here's an easy way to correct it, Gayle: put the original underneath it, and use an erase brush to reveal the areas you want to keep sharp.
I do this on portraits, which allows me to erase through to the original eyes, hair and teeth, but keep the skin softened.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/6/2004
hi,paul- is that what that is..bleeding tones?..they appeared when softened and i just didn't have the patience tonight to clone it out or whatever it takes...hope Parson doesn't mind too much..gayle
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/6/2004
I love the over-soft treatment here, but the tones bleeding off the geese are too much, making it kind of 'muddy' around them. It's beautiful, though.