Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 7/9/2004
Excellent work Chris, congrats on the anniversary and best wishes for Carole's birthday - time to sell some piccies and plan a surprise holiday later in the year :-)
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 7/9/2004
I like your creation a lot! Good work, Chris! Now go pick up an anniversary present for you wife, get two, one for her birthday also! Lori :)
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 7/9/2004
lol great job, Chris!
Congratulations on Your Anniversary and our best wished that Mrs.Cartwright get well soon! pls say ' hi' for me, sending my bet for her B-day wishes, my Friend
Compliments, Regina
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 7/9/2004
I'm happy to hear she is fine! Happy birthday to her from me too!
I like this composition! I wouldn't have guessed it's put in. Looks very natural, even if the plane is so low down, but that's what gives an interesting feeling. And of course, the nature is so beautiful! In a week I'm going to England! :-)
John Beavin
{K:4477} 7/9/2004
Will the Air Ministry be sueing you for willfully contravening the official secrets act, document 04967g/54D.Min fine 40 10x8 glossy prints plus confiscation of one Nikon d70 camera. Good shots of Sea Kings are desperatly wanted for recruitment purposes.
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 7/9/2004
You got a lot of us fooled, huh? :-))
I agree with Lukasz - the chopper is too sharp for the painterly effect of the landscape. Nevertheless, definitely eye-catching!
Congrats on the anniversary and please wish Mrs S a speedy recovery and send her my birthday wishes.
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/9/2004
Hi Chris, really good PS work, however for me the chopper looks unnatural here, I think the problem is perspective and excellent sharpness everywhere - I think the horizon should be less sharp; but anyway I like it
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 7/9/2004
Hey!...Chris...I Must Learn How to Do Cutouts!...Have.. not Got a Clue!....Good Addition!..So the Porlock Hill is Still a Challenge!..Even with The Modern Cars? Jeff.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 7/9/2004
Looks like it belongs there. I think the country side is beautiful without the chopper. That sky is not so bad. At least is is not gray. Don.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/8/2004
Sorry, Ian, but at least I came clean from the start! I still think it looks fairly convincing because, as you say, these big birds DO fly low sometimes. Thanks for your good wishes ~ much appreciated! Kind regards, Chris
Ian Crean
{K:14866} 7/8/2004
Hell, you just can't trust a photo anymore! I so wanted it to be real, as I can feel the atmosphere and I know these choppers do fly low over this kind of country, can scare the bejeesus out of you! Thanks for the write up about the process, impressive result, and regards to you and the Mrs.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 7/8/2004
HA-Ha you really had me there Chris. Just the same this is one killer shot ...just love it. This happens around here allot because they are looking for POT groves or something. so it didn't look so weird to me at first. Its like a Jerry Bruckheimmer movie set! Cheers , BArtock
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 7/8/2004
Spectactular aerial shot!
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/8/2004
And not a bird or a cottage in sight ~ well, almost!!
(By the way, this has also got a blended, inverted 'glowing edged' layer mixed in, as well as a 55% rust flake texture applied, so as to give a subtle impression of it being a painting rather than a photo!!)
charles zhao
{K:988} 7/8/2004
nice shot!