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diana by firelight again
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Image Title:  diana by firelight again
Favorites: 0 
 By: Aurore Lynch  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Aurore Lynch {Karma:1687}
Project #36 Magic Light Camera Model Diana
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Diana
the boy
Lens fixed
Uploaded 7/30/2004 Film / Memory Type TriX 400 4x4cm
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 708 Shutter 5s
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United States   United States
About I know they look pixelated... I can't control it. I used to have a darkroom (sob), and the whole scanning thing is new to me. Helpful advice is always welcome.
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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 8/2/2004
PS: I did the rework and greyscale on the last image you posted.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 8/2/2004
Hi Aurore, Here's the Greyscale image. I did some dodging and burning on the boy, maybe a bit excessive, though. Difficult to show precisely what I had in mind, as the image is a tad small and at 72 dpi, the quality is rather coarse....





Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 8/2/2004
Hi Aurore, I find the difference hard to tell. There are differences, but I find it hard to tell them appart. That's mainly because of the noise in this image. It looks like something I notice on my scans of dark images too.... I marked it A in the attached image. There are blue specks in it. Als othe trail of the spark seems to get toned down passing over the orange vertical line a bit. It almost looks as if the kid has ben edited in... (Not implying it IS edited in!)

Also, Part B looks more black than the rest. Did you work on the original scan as RGB image? The blue "haze" around the fire makes me think you did.... I think converting it down to Greyscale would've prevented those effects.

Both patches seem to single out the boy a bit.

The toning down of the fire does balnce the tonal range a bit more. That does the job, compared to the original post. I'll post the Greyscale conversion after this comment, but I think it would be clearer to see at full size.

In the second shot, that difference is smaller, but still slightly there. I had to check that in PS, though, as it doesn't really show without zooming in.




Scan Errors?

Aurore Lynch   {K:1687} 8/2/2004
you know, on viewing them together, i don't like the second one. This is better, i think...


Aurore Lynch   {K:1687} 8/2/2004
How's this?


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 7/30/2004
I've said it before we should be paying Hugo.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 7/30/2004
Hi Again,

Yes, I do believe his face looks a bit flat, especially in comparison with the fire. Dodging his face locally might work.

Don't think usm would hurt the image too much in terms of punching up the pixellation. As long as you go easy on the threshold and amount. Finetuning could be done with a soft sharpening tool And then there's still neat image; that'll remove some of the pixellation before usm. You did save it as TIF or PSD too, right? Further tweaking the JPEG file would definately reduce the quality....




Aurore Lynch   {K:1687} 7/30/2004
It's just those sort of 'chunky' spots you see in areas of an image... like an old computer game or something... I can see it in his face here, I think.

Well, the cameras were STOLEN... the darkroom was lost when we moved to a small place (small, bad - downtown, good). So... well, i guess it's all the same. Cept I didn't get any time to adjust to the loss of my cameras! Good thing I have a bunch and still have some at home to shoot with. REALLY missing the polaroid though!


Aurore Lynch   {K:1687} 7/30/2004
lol. yes... I could never get to sleep. It's frightening! And now tonight I will pass out from exhaustion so I won't have to worry about being lonely ; )

His face was pretty bright, so I burned in his features a bit. Do the highlights look too flat now? This was the most detail I could get from his face... though I suppose I could see if I could squeeze out anymore by rescanning the neg.

The fire... yeah, I could try getting some detail... But omg... usm would REALLY punch up the pixellation bad. I sharpened it as much as I dared... keep in mind, this is a 3-5 second exposure of a six-year-old by a girl with shaky hands. lol.


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 7/30/2004
I've heard pixelated but still don't recognize it. I'm starting to worry it's a blind spot of my own.
You poor thing. First the camera then the dark room.
Very nice image. Go the f/4!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 7/30/2004
Hi Aurore, quite a sleepless night you must have... Stayed up all night?

Don't mid the pixellation so much. To be honest, I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't mentioned it... I think the boy could've been dodged a bit more. (or burning the fire, trying to revive some of the contrasts there, if there are any...) Have you considered applying a bit more unsharpen mask?

The shot itself is awesome. the way the kid blends in with the background and the "single" lightsourse give a very secure atmosphere. The spark flying up in the hot air adds a perfect touch, too.






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