Egidija Smilingiene
{K:3227} 8/4/2004
even in old days they liked to read on the trains.
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 8/2/2004
Great,I`ll say the same as for the picture before this one.But this is even better.Color, I love.The plot is very well put down.He?s so British, I bet he?s the "upper stiff lip", his hair is so Londoner, the girl, standing up to have a ride to the mag, this is more than a picture, but a British sitcom (not sure about that spelling, but you know what I am talking about) Congratulations, Angelo, as a good brasilian, you have a very sharp sense of humor. To me, that?s the picture of the month.I took my copy, if you don?t mind. Regards jorge
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/1/2004
Interesting, isn't it? They're not asleep, yet it's less lively. Some funky duality going on here. They're from old days, yet they are in colour, etc.
Thanks, Hugo!
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/1/2004
No concept behind this. I just go on a shot-by-shot gut feel of what looks nice. This one did not look so nice in b&w so I went with the colour look. I guess it's the natural light coming through the window, whereas most of my other shots are in artificial fluorescent "tube light" which looks pants in colour. Also the colours on the clothing has an "old days" feel to it.
My next shot, "lady luck" is also in colour. Again, I just prefered it that way.
Cheers! Angelo.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/1/2004
And they also used to stay awake in the trains.... In comparision to the B&W travel shotsw, this one stands out a bit, but that doesn't mean it doesnt fit.... I like the composition, rather well balanced. Les lively, though...
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/1/2004
Dear Angelo,
That's a LOL! you are the master of sub-obsession. no doubt. interesting that you opt for a color version whereas your current candids are b/w... hmmh... any concept behind it?
Cheers, Thilo
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/1/2004
Cara Carmem,
Aqui o ruído com certeza se deve ao uso da sensitividade ISO 1600, mas sinceramente nem o percebi. Por isso, nem usei o NeatImage.
Por falar nisso, como você usa o NI? Na imagem original, antes de fazer as modificações, ou no final, antes de postar? Só tenho a versão demo por enquanto.
Saudações, Angelo.
Yoshi Enoki Jr
{K:3021} 8/1/2004
That is so creepy.......
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/1/2004
Sim.. só poderiam ser manequins.. pessoas normais só se maquiam em filmes.. e o maquiador foi provavelmente o mesmo.. tem estilo..hehe. Só que hoje estou sensível para ruídos devido a minha foto.. e repito a pergunta.. no seu monitor está assim? A composição, o enquadramento, está fantásticos... aqui, não precisava mudar ninguém do lugar....hehe Um abraço! Carmem
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 7/31/2004
São manequins. :)
Saudações, Angelo.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 7/31/2004
Close, Danny.
They're manequins. This is a display in the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 7/31/2004
Incrível Vilaschi , as cores estão otimas !! Como é que voce conseguiu esses modelos ?
Ohh happy day ...
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 7/31/2004
Is this a pic taken some time ago or is this for me to guess. I notice this is with the 10D so I suspect it might be a poster.
michelle k.
{K:16270} 7/31/2004