Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 8/6/2004
Hey Linn, what an amazing shot, brilliant capture Margaret Am just trying to catch up on comments and viewing while Den is watching TV
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 8/5/2004
Morning Neil :-) I didn't know how to crop this image. I took quite a bit off the bottom. I remembered reading a while ago that one should give "space" on the image to portray movement. I think given the opportunity, people would crop this in many ways - I am just not sure which is the right way ... if there really is a right way? :-) Linn
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 8/5/2004
You can't say that! People might believe you! Nope ... this is the real thing :-) Even though this bird was having a time of his life circling the (man-made) pond, I battled to get a good focus on him - blame it on inexperience. At times he would be SO close to me, I could almost touch him - but the little Z1 just wouldn't get a lock on the focus :-( If you were there with me, you would have 10000 perfect images! Linn
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 8/5/2004
I think sometimes blown out whites can be very effective and cast an appealing quality to the subject. It all depends on many things whether it works or not and obviously everyone sees it differently. Here I think it works. It gives the gull an ethereal glow and brings him into sharp focus further enhancing the blurred background. Great shot Linn and that is some great luck to have the sprinklers spouting in V formation.
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 8/5/2004
Blown white,yes thats always the problem. I have it even when I under expose. Setting the camera at low contrast helps and underexpose. And than hope you dont get too much noise in ps. The bird looks nice though. You can use local usm sharpening by first selecting around the bird with lasso. That way you dont get any extra noise in the sky. Best rgds. GUIDO
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 8/4/2004
Sorry, but I think you Photoshopped it in!! :>))) Looks to me like the gull is smiling for you, Linn! Impressive! Best regards, Chris
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 8/4/2004
you are lucky to have this quility from the first time! Excellent!
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 8/4/2004
congratulations with the 1st attempt and I hope all other attempts wil be as good as this one.
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 8/4/2004
Nice capture Linn, maybe a tighter crop would work here? Did you think of that? I think the bird is so good it deserves a bit more attention, but then don't we all :) Best wishes Neil
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 8/4/2004
Nope, still lugging the little Z1 around and making do with what I have :-) Thanks for the compliment Den :-) Linn
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 8/4/2004
First choice,great sharp ,and lovely V shape :).Saeed
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 8/4/2004
Hi Linn,
What a beautiful capture... You managed to freeze the bird... Great DOF!!!
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 8/4/2004
Er, scuse me Linn. Only D70s are supposed to be able to take this sort of shot. Is there something you're not telling us? Seriously though this is a terrific capture. Background is sufficiently blurred to highlight the subject yet retaining enough detail. My compliments. Den
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 8/4/2004
Super capture Linn, lovely and sharp
{K:30945} 8/4/2004
Lovely dear Linn Kisses, Biliana
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 8/4/2004
This is very well done Linn, the lighting on the bird is not that bad. It outlines the edges very well. Now you can drop out the background and be able to use this bird on some of your lovely other pictures like someone else we know. Glad you are having fun. Don.
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 8/4/2004
Well I would say its pretty good. Between the dark and white on the bird there are probably more stops that the digital camera can cover, so its one end or the other or compromise on both. Good action shot and very nice focus !! jimc