James Weber
{K:305} 11/13/2004
Leona, Thank you. :) To date I've always done my own photoshop work. I like having total control over the final product. I would however turn it over to someone else if I thought I couldn't handle something.
I'm learning to convert to CMYK before I send my work out, as I've had problems where the magazine didn't convert it and the colors were off.
Leora Long
{K:11135} 11/10/2004
Excellent photos and attitude. Very attractive comp.
Do you find that most clients want you to do the PS or they would rather have their retouchers do it? There is a raging issue among clients between RGB files and CMYK reproduction, recently discussed in Photo District News. Has caused many problems that cost megabucks to fix in numerous cases.
It happened to me once with an inexperienced printer when they could not convert the RGB to CMYK without losing a lot of quality.
Probably not a problem with minimal "smoothing out".
Overall beautiful work in your portfolio.
Cheers, Leora
A Brito
{K:10699} 8/10/2004
spectacular series !!! high quality images !!!
James Weber
{K:305} 8/7/2004
Sony, Thank you. The smoothness of her face is some careful post-production work in photoshop. Of course, most women don't have perfect complections, though some are close. I still need to remove any blemishes so that it's a cleaner beauty shot. Most beauty work is worked on in photoshop a little. In the hi-res version of this shot, you can see the pores. I make sure that you can still see the pores, because when it's printed, it would look fake.
James Weber
{K:305} 8/7/2004
Robbie, Put together a great team of hair and makeup artists, wardrobe stylists, and start testing with good agency models. Then, send your book out to the magazines when your work has come along far enough. Network, network, network...you can never know too many people...best of luck.
{K:17069} 8/6/2004
Not as pretty as the other 2 girls but the shot is good.
Sony Kusumo
{K:7190} 8/6/2004
Wonderful works James. Beautiful model beautifully captured. Good lighting and very nice closeups. I should learn from you on this area my friend, because you shoot the model very nicely. I wonder if you use soft filter for the close-up? Because I see that the face of the model is soft (not showing the pores) but the eyebrow is still sharp. I try to do that with soft filter and everything is soft :(...
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 8/6/2004
She has good looks alright ;-) Very nice work. beautiful lighting and composition. jimc
Elif S
{K:595} 8/6/2004
The CIA can help you with that. Just kidding.
J Dillon
{K:1426} 8/5/2004
fantastic images! any suggestions on breaking into the magazine industry?
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 8/5/2004
What you want to know from us/usefilm? Are you looking for comments? The picture is simply perfect!
Giuliano Guarnieri
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 8/5/2004
Very Beautiful shot, Georgous girl captured perfectly..