Pictures taken from an artificial lake in the middle of the city. On one side is the highway (which has yellow lights) and the other side are housings. I stop by a while on the roadside to take this picture (which cannot be done during the day LOL)
Thanks for the support Lori. Well, I did that things if I'm not in my country. I did such things in Thailand or Hongkong, whereas everybody speaks different language and I don't know what they're mumbling about (although, you know, some people, mostly little kids, circling around me ;-) ), but I try to fight my shyness, and believe me, you're right, Cameras and the accessories would turn you into another person. Thanks again!
Sony, (don't know if you were kidding about shyness, LOL) But I can attest to the fact that having a nice camera in hand/tripod, seems to enable one to overcome shyness, almost the opposite. :)
I could walk into a public place or wedding reception with camera, bracket, flash, etc. and be totally different than if I were to just be there by myslf as a guest! Amazing, with camera; turn into another person. LOL :)
Hi Lori, glad that you like this one. Yes I'm part of Owl and part of Eagle (Whoaaaa!!!) so I can take both night and day LOL.... No, kidding! Actually I prefer to take pictures at night, especially in the crowded place like city hall or some old buildings, or maybe, like this, lake on the roadside. Imagine that I will be the center of attraction putting tripod and setting my gigatic Sigma 15-30 lense in the middle of the crowd.... I'm a bit shy too you know...?????
Yes Tom, this one is a bit blurred because I cannot stop the car (this is a highway though, although a bit empty during midnight). Thanks for the suggestion, actually I planned to take another shoot at this place but I have to bring my friend, where he can put me on the sideways, he drove the car for several times while I took pictures, and picked me up at the same spot..
Including the bush in the forground makes a good composition, however the whole photo seems to be blured because of camera shake. When you'd try this the next time, use a tripod, focus on the bush in the foreground and stop further down to get more DOF (e.g. f/8) so the background is in focus, too. The general concept is good, but the technical realization isn't :)