{K:30945} 8/9/2004
ha ha.. it is you indeed Chris. ha ha you make me smile. thank you my precious Friend! So nice to seeeeeeeeeee you in Face to face ha ha h a Have a great and smiling day dear Chris! and dont you work too much ha ha Kisses, Biliana
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 8/9/2004
Outragously funny Chris!!!! I am on the floor laughing here! Great work My friend! I will never view stained glass with a serious face again!!! LOL LOLO LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My best..............JOHN
Tiffany Barnes
{K:193} 8/8/2004
great ps work chris awsome work
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/8/2004
Hi Chris, I just love your self reflectory (?)descriptions. Always good for a uncontrolled outburst of laughter.... ) Could you post more in the morning? That way I can let my neighbours enjoy your wit too!
Very creative job, very well thought out, and top marks in the fun an ego department! Great job my friend! Just perfect, down to earth British Humour.... )
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 8/8/2004
Very clever, very funny. Impressive how you could duplicate the appearance of the skin on the arm or the original figure in the skin of your face. I've taken the rest of August off from my Sunday morning English Bible Class so as to be able to take panoramas of some of our churches while the congregations are still there... Then they'll go on our deonmination's website.
Merete Westerdahl
{K:11079} 8/8/2004
LOL:..I like the original more..!! ;-) Kind regards...friend.. :-)
Merete :-)
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 8/7/2004
nice meeting YOU, Chris! Congratulations on such creative thinking of Yours!!! i really enjoy the stainglass with your face making the harvest... separating the wheat from the loss!
Great job, my Friend!
kind regards, Regi
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 8/7/2004
Very good I am too ugly to do this !! another of your cool compositions. rest good, preach hard, and we'll see you Sunday night jimc
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 8/7/2004
Just be careful with that sythe or you will lop your leg off !!! You are now going to tell me it is actually a sickle lol Super work Chris :-)
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 8/7/2004
Is this the grim reaper??? One fine looking gentleman. I like your haircut. About like mine only yours is dark. Great work Chris, the master. Don.
Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 8/7/2004
A very original composition Chris, excellent work , a nice idea to know you. Congrats Regards..Walter
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 8/7/2004
Thats cool and funny. Excellent PS skills.
Well done.
Regards, ken.
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 8/7/2004
Chris i am astounded at your vast capabilities! This is funny yet extremely clever!
All my love, Carol
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 8/7/2004
This is hilarious! Chris, you have way too much spare time on your hands! Funny, funny, funny! Linn
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 8/7/2004
So now we call you Saint Chris? LOL
I'm so glad to see it in the humor catagory, this is really a scream!!! I just laughed out loud when I saw this.
I like your great sense of humor Chris! Have a good Sunday, drive the talk home!! Lori :)
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 8/7/2004
Good editing Chris and FUNNY too! Love it! greetings, Diana.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 8/7/2004
Here's the original I used to make the face on the above!!
