Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 8/9/2004
Stunning Beauty...excellent silhouette..... Clifton...
Howard M. Parsons
{K:3496} 8/8/2004
Photo cropped slightly in PS, particularly off the bottom. Color saturation also increased slightly. No other changes.
Michael Alexander
{K:5293} 8/8/2004
The colors are right on in this one, did you do any ps work on this? I also like the composure, the silhouetted foreground and people really make this an interesting shot. ~Mike
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 8/8/2004
great romantic scene,stunning colour,the silhouette(2persons) of great effcet on the outstanding image,superb,Saeed
Guy Dube
{K:6932} 8/8/2004
Very nice sunset and good catch for the two people on the beach, the picture is more alive.