...from a little mountain in Schliersee,called vineyard...strangely enough.This is a bench,I do like very much. May be ,my screen is not configurated well...I hope,it does not look too blue....:) For me,it looks more green...may be too green...
Well you should! You know the beauty of digital film is that you can shoot anything you like anytime you like, as many as you like, and instantly see the result... If you don't like the picture, then you can erase it... So, welcome to the digital world and good luck!
To Sony:Thanks for your comment,you must know,that I`m a total beginner and have nearly no knowledge of technical details.I fear,if I set the aperture,i will get that white sky,I had so often,and I can`t remove it with PS.I believe,that I often got overexposed pics,and now I`m playing with the aperture.But may be,that m totally wrong.What you suggest,sounds great,must look great...the only possibility is,to go there once more...and try it again.... Ursula
Hi Ursula, another beautiful picture you got here! Beautiful. Actually, the color is just right, you can see from the yellow church walls, red roofs, blue lake, and some small green roof near the center of the bench... All is sharp. Perfect! Just a suggestion, hope you don't mind, maybe you can set the aperture a bit so that the DOF is shallower, in return, the church and the small town will looks more sharp while the mountain behind the lake will looks a bit blurred, and enhanching the church...
Hi Ursula, The colours are very good, nice, lush and rich. The composition sure is classic, and a very romantic view. Very well captured. The photo carries the atmosphere of a leasurely stroll around the lake during a hot, dry summer day. Completely carefree....)
wie uwe sagte: postkartenstyle. eine person als auflockerung wäre echt nicht schlecht gewesen. ich hätte den aufnahmewinkel vielleicht noch etwas steiler gemacht, um zwischen der bank und den gebäuden noch etwas mehr tiefe zu erzielen. ansonsten fine ;-)
postkartenmotiv...was nicht abwertend klingen soll, sondern bei solch einem idyllischen plätzchen nicht weiter verwunderlich ist. schöne tiefenstaffelung der bildelemente und mit dem schatten vorne finde ich auch gut. niemanden gefunden, der sich auf die bank hätte setzen wollen? (zu den fárben kann ich angesichts meiner farbenblindheit leider nix sagen...;-))
This is a lovely photo. I'm working on a laptop so I can't comment on the color (looks fine to me), but the composition is great. I wish I could enter your photo and sit on the bench for a few minutes :-)