Diana Hunter
{K:516} 1/24/2009
Oh WOW, Hardy, This is great. Yes I so often think of my Family in Germany, and pray all is good. I tried contacting you about 2 years ago thru internet. Please send my love to everyone, ANd you are welcome here with me anytime. my e-mail dianah1010@yahoo.com
Hardy Blum
{K:3} 1/23/2009
Hi Diana,
so long ago but still in my heart, your mom and all of you.
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 8/10/2004
sorry to hear of your loss...just went through that with my boyfriends mom. A treasured special image !! there is no "rating" for this except the highest in your heart !
Robert Jones
{K:1692} 8/10/2004
Thanks Diana, you touched mine as well. Love ya.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 8/9/2004
Yes...there is a certain strength in those resigned to the fight. You wonder if they put up the struggle so the children will not suffer through their problems. If that is so, it just makes them even more heroic. Sorry for your loss, but glad as hell for the pic. You touched a tough farmboy heart with this. Jim