Rebecca, I welcome your comments and suggestions, I am still learning a photo really is more than a "snap shot". Seeing your work, and the work of others, makes me realize how important angles, light and focus can be to a photo. I am still not sure how I feel about modifying a photo into something beautiful that really is not true in color and texture to the object being photographed. At what point it becomes art for art's sake and is no longer a photograph I see debated here often. That of course does not apply to choosing good angles, lighting, and careful focusing. Until 3 months ago, I never knew PhotoShop existed and I am yet to try more than cropping, rotating, sizing, and maybe a little adjustment of light. I want to thank you and others who offer me encouagement and advice. I am considering asking Santa for a "real camera" and obtaining a photo program. Should I do that, I am going to need friends like you more than ever to point out how to best present the photo. Thanks again to not only you,,,but all who make constructive suggestions... A fellow Virginia pal, Del.
Nice shot Del..if ya had some type editing software, I'd crop the car off..but all ya really need to do is step back and would this be better? Move the car, maybe wait til evening with a little low light, or sunset colors in it. Then you'd have had a fantastic shot! I'm not trying to be crital, just tryin to help you look at things in a different light! :) Literally..