Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 8/22/2004
hello Roby,
thanks for your note...
you understand little about the problem? problem is the english language?.. do you mean for translation?
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 8/22/2004
Thank you for all you comments and input...
i need to study a bit and get out there and practice.
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 8/21/2004
Helo Mary Using a fill in flash outdoors will help in almost all ocassions specialy when taking portraits in the sun ,it will fill in nicely , and give it a natural look,to be in the safe side you can use always a flash outdoors
Best regards
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 8/20/2004
Hello Zeev,
Yes, I need to get a flash for fill. I imagine that using a flash, even in the bright sunlight of the beach, would even out the picture? Take away the shadow on he face?.. .am I correct?
I was looking at a field flash to by for my camera for such occassions.. what I worry about and don't know much about yet is when to use and when to not use the field flash.
Daniel Stratton
{K:2144} 8/20/2004
It must be nice to have a subject who's so happy to play it up for the camera like that :) I couldn't believe it though when I read your comment that said she was only 13! I never would have picked her for being so young. It just goes to show how quickly some people grow up.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/20/2004
hello Mary.. thanks to you oo..and great shot nice composition and beautiful moment!! LOVELY also the color contrast are great!
I understood little the about.. but is notproblem! the problem is the english language!
hugh roby 7
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 8/20/2004
Good shot,maybe you could have used fill in flash Regards
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 8/20/2004
Thanks Sidarta,
she does look good and can you believe she is only 13. I'll be shooting again this year with she and Rachael. they are the young pair you see in other images. It'll be very cool to see them now, as a pair, some 3 years later.
Rachael is now 6'0".. and Fallon at least 5' 6" or so. wherever they go heads are turnin....
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 8/20/2004
Thanks Daniel,
Fallon is fun to photograph. It never takes much effort... .just gotta follow her around and she strikes up many different poses... kind of a natural.
Daniel Stratton
{K:2144} 8/20/2004
Great capture on the waves, caught them nicely. And a nice natural pose by the model, who looks great. Very nice photo.
Sid .
{K:3140} 8/19/2004
This is a very nice shot with the waves behind you. Well done! Model looks nice in the bikini, too.