Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 9/22/2004
Great abstraction,nice tones.Good work. Regards
donato r.
{K:16361} 8/31/2004
Splendido il gioco luce-ombra che rende straordinariamente bella questa immagine! Ottimo lavoro ciao donato
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 8/29/2004
Very nice and interesting structure! Again I say that you really made something very artistic and beautiful of a simple thing! Light, details, composition, everything feels just so perfect.
Sergio Sánchez
{K:2350} 8/29/2004
Incredible photo!! Lovely textures, in my favorites! :)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/26/2004
Hi Antonio, Very creative shot, well captured, too. The textures in the leafs are perfect, and so is the use of light and shadow.
I only wonder if a wider DOF would've kicked the impact of this shot a bit more. Secondly, I think the frame could've been a bit more subtle, as it's rather bold, and I find the Title in this shot more distracting from the image than adding to it.
On a whole, the few points I can bicker about are well compensated by the creativeness, the composition and the tones. It's an awesome shot!
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 8/25/2004
Great texture and design...excellent absract..your eye is superb...wonderful work... Clifton...
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 8/25/2004
MI piace assai per luce, ombre, geometrie e movimento delle superfici. Splendida!! Paolo
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 8/25/2004
Magnificent composition,Tonino,the curves,the tones and the lights are just magic...my most sincere congrats!!!! Antonella 10 ++++++++++++
{K:30983} 8/24/2004
Ciao Antonio, strepitosi colori caldi! Sicuramente una composizione originale e ben realizzata.
Paola LL
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 8/24/2004
wowwwwwwwwwww.. io rimango sempre a bocca aperta quando vedo queste texture. Così perfette nelle loro forme irregolari! Meravigliosa, la metto tra i miei preferiti. Bravissimo anzi.. di più ehehheh
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 8/24/2004
Superbe abstraction monochrome ; beau jeu d'ombre et de lumière. Merci aussi pour votre très bon commentaire sur ma photo du Liseur. drilan
Ahmad Hasan
{K:4164} 8/24/2004
wonderful lights and shadows ,great texture
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 8/24/2004
ciao! paula
Lida Chaulet
{K:3430} 8/24/2004
Superb! Very creative and excellent play of shadows and light... Great composition!
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/24/2004
Great capture. In my favorites! Carmem
Patty Morena
{K:16598} 8/24/2004
Grande realizzazione con colori e e tonalità davvero calde. Una piacevolissima immagine.
Davide Marchi
{K:9196} 8/24/2004
Il controllo della profondità di campo, contribuisce a creare una piacevole visione, ciao Davide
gemini lucas
{K:696} 8/24/2004
Very nice shapes and textures combined with great shadowing!
Elsa Mota Gomes
{K:1565} 8/24/2004
great textures, awsome shot