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Flag, Universal Lodge #14
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Image Title:  Flag, Universal Lodge #14
Favorites: 1 
 By: Steve Rosenbach  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Steve Rosenbach  Steve Rosenbach {Karma:8338}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon A40
Categories Photoart
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 35-105 mm (equivalent) fixed zoom lens
Uploaded 8/27/2004 Film / Memory Type Digital 2MP
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 614 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 14 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  New York
State -  NEW YORK
Country - United States   United States
About As an American, the flag of my adopted country has such an emotional impact on me. But the unfurled U.S. flag is also such a powerful example of good graphic design.

I walk by this one quite often - it hangs over a large window at the 130-year-old Universal Lodge #14, F.&A.M., one of the oldest African-American fraternal organizations in the US. One day, I realized the black bars and the textured stucco wall provided a nice frame for the flag-as-graphic.
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There are 14 Comments in 1 Pages
A. A   {K:1987} 11/16/2004
I'm always looking for great pictures of American flags and this is definitely a great one! Beautifully composed, simple, yet elegant. I love the vertical transition from an orange hue to a blue/turquoise hue. very lovely! thanks for your really nice comments on my photographs!


Jon O'Brien Jon O'Brien   {K:11321} 8/29/2004
Well... I dunno graphic design from my left ear, but it's a nice enough flag picture. The rip at the bottom is good too - a lot like America herself: bold colours and clean lines, but unravelling a bit along the edges. Nothing that can't be fixed, though, if people are willing to make the effort. Gawd I love metaphors.


Steve Rosenbach Steve Rosenbach   {K:8338} 8/29/2004
>>>Pretty mild compared to others I have both seen and been involved with.<<

You're quite right, George! I've been amazed at the trench-warfare-like goings-on at the Leica Forum.... and that's just over some measley cameras!... and all of us "Commie Camera Fans" know those "L-word" cameras from Wetzlar are highly overrated compared to our own glorious Workers Paradise gems (e.g., FED, Zorki, Zenit, etc.)

I'm glad that the polemic index of Usefilm is very low.

Best regards,


George Marks   {K:15437} 8/29/2004
An interesting bit of controversy here. Pretty mild compared to others I have both seen and been involved with. To appreciate the great subtlety here, you need to go back and read what Steve initially wrote about this image. The irony is tremendous. If you still don't understand it, I'd be more than happy to explain it to you off-line. I can be reached at Give it a couple of weeks because I'll be on corporate travel and will not have access to a computer. From all I learned about you, you may well enjoy this. My best to you and your beautiful family.


Steve Rosenbach Steve Rosenbach   {K:8338} 8/29/2004
Usefilm seems to be having problems with attachments in comments again - I'll try it again..


Another Flag...

Steve Rosenbach Steve Rosenbach   {K:8338} 8/29/2004
>>No matter how hard you look, you won't find a picture of the flag of any country other than America on usefilm or any other photo forum. <<

Hi Svend - well, I don't know if that's true or not, but just in case, here is one I took about 15 months ago. Those amazingly beautiful cameras around the flag are differnt variants of the FED-2, my favorite camera of the Former Soviet Union.

Best regards,


Steve Rosenbach Steve Rosenbach   {K:8338} 8/29/2004
>>I dunno- these are just crazy ideas! <<

No, all good ideas - Marcy - I may just go back and try some of these out some day - this place is only about 15 minutes from me.

Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments.

Best regards,


svend videbak   {K:7376} 8/29/2004
Oh hell, I should have known better. I don't disapprove of Americans, quite the contrary. I don't disapprove of the American flag. I don't disapprove of photos of the American flag, quite the contrary. I don't disapprove of Americans who post pictures of the American flag on usefilm either. I just find it very silly and incomprehensible -- there's been many. No matter how hard you look, you won't find a picture of the flag of any country other than America on usefilm or any other photo forum. That's all, I have no other pompous observations to make. I decline your kind offer to engage in email fisticuffs. Rgds, Svend


Bradley Prue Bradley Prue   {K:30678} 8/29/2004
Dear Svend...I will not tarnish your fine country, or the fine people of your country. I will however, take issue with you personally. I invite you to bring your pompous attitude over here to THIS American, to discuss your disapproval of "you Americans". Your remarks sound a little jealous, a little immature, and like they're coming from a very little person. Please feel free to email me at if you care to engage in more direct debate....without UF's restrictions, I could be much more direct and descriptive with my feelings towards you.


Marcy Massura   {K:1848} 8/29/2004
Well seen. Great lighting and focus. Even a great story be hind it...but I keep thinking it could be stronger in someway. Perhaps shot from a weird angle (ground up?) or isolate the flag in the image to one side? I dunno- these are just crazy ideas!


Steve Rosenbach Steve Rosenbach   {K:8338} 8/29/2004
>>What is it with you Americans and your flag? It's a nice flag. But no, it is not an example of good graphic design.

Scandanavian countries? Well, I do like the displays in the IKEA stores here :-) My understanding is that all the Scandanavian flags have their origin in the "Dannebrog" from the 13th century. Very nice flags, but I can't get too excited about a cross, either.

OK, I guess it's in the eye of the beholder.

Best regards,


svend videbak   {K:7376} 8/28/2004
What is it with you Americans and your flag? It's a nice flag. But no, it is not an example of good graphic design. Placing a blue rectangle on a larger rectangular field of white and red stripes is jarring to begin with. Then, when you add a couple handfuls of white stars to the blue rectangle, you have an entirely amateurish graphical design. For examples of excellence in graphical design when it comes to flags, look to Japan. Look to the Scandinavian countries. Rgds, Svend


Jim Gamble   {K:12164} 8/28/2004
Steve, good flag shot.
I agree about the bars and stucco adding a nice frame.
Jim Gamble


Laura Spell Laura Spell   {K:24080} 8/27/2004
Good colors and details in this image. The rack? behind the flag is a bit distracting for me. There is a portion missing on the lower right corner of the flag. Is there some significance in that?




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