Sandra Berry
{K:8352} 11/25/2004
Greetings Enas, Love the color tones in this photo, beautiful capture. Best Regards, Sandra
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/31/2004
thanx Sam for ur very nice words.. am flattered. i really love to spend lots of days watching sunsets and looking for the one!! am never bored of shooting them!! thanx again
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 8/31/2004
you don't get 2c them like this one a lot, these 'seen one, seen all' sunsets and sunrises trail miles behind compared2yours. it's just like an aquarel so beautiful.
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/30/2004
thanx Stephen and Jan for the nice words..
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 8/29/2004
Beautiful moment Very well captured atmosphere Jan
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 8/29/2004
Beautiful capture Enas
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/29/2004
thanx for the ideting Ameed, nice touch.. i didnt add anything to this pic with PS exept for the framing..may be coz i liked it this way directly from the beach to the usefilm!! thanx again
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 8/29/2004
Very nice capture once agian, there is only one thing, i think the picture needs to be soften a little, what do you think about this .. with your permision to edit the picture of course, regards,

Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/29/2004
hope all ur wishs come true Sally.. thanx for the nice comment.
Sally A.
{K:4601} 8/29/2004
i have wish to make.. :) nice reflections, beatiful colors. Good work.