This image was taken at sunset this evening. I had noticed a build up of light clouds and hoped that they would reflect the colours of the sunset in the river. The posts and barbed wire provided an interesting line through the image but I was limited by how far I could tilt the camera upwards by the dark river banks. I used a 0.9 and 0.6 soft ND grad tilted at about over to the right to reduce the brightness of the reflections nearest the sun and an 81B warm-up to produce a warmer hue. The shot proved very challenging as a herd of cows came over to investigate me and one decided to eat my camera bag. I turned round from looking through the viewfinder to find the bag in the cow's mouth and being dragged across the ground! I grabbed the bag and chased the cow only for it to come back and try again two minutes later. Eventually the cows got bored and left and having taken my images I packed up to leave then remembered that I'd left my car keys on the ground next to the bag. The cows had trodden them into the clay and I had to spend some time digging them out and cleaning them up! Never trust a herd of cows.
Sometimes photographing is hard, hard work Barry, with some set-back, but after one does see the results, it was worth all of it. Wonderful soft colors, reflections and perspective in this image....Best regards, Harry
Brilliant 'about' and an even more brilliant image, Barry! The light, especially on the left edge, is really superb!! My compliments! Best regards, Chris P.S. I doubt you're in the moo-d for cow jokes ~ you've probably herd enough!!