Dusan Zutinic
{K:2847} 12/3/2004
Excellent! Everything is perfect...
Greetings from Serbia
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 11/2/2004
very nice picture Ivan,I like it very much, best regards
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 11/1/2004
wonderful photo!!!!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/20/2004
Dear Ivan,
great street scene. the desaturated background and the colorful signs work very well together. the cherry in this setup is the old man though ;-)
great detail and very good slightly off-centered composing.
take care, thilo
{K:5996} 10/1/2004
Expressive and impressive.
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/30/2004
I shaved it for fun... hair is grown, thinking of growing some dreadlocks for Christmas!!;-)
{K:3054} 9/29/2004
great ivan!great shot! Love your new self-portrait,big baldness head as mine.:))your looks very cool!
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 9/23/2004
Very nice shot. Good prospective. I like it. Bye.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 9/20/2004
As I am not a tax officer, far be it from me. I've suffered of them enough. They're probably this way the world over. So Ivan it is. Regards, Rafi
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/20/2004
You can call me Ivan indeed. It is the way people call me, except the tax officer in Spain that calls me Señor Jimenez. Thanks for your comment and glad to have a final solution to the torn umbrella problem. A dry plant!!! (who would have told..)
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 9/20/2004
Now that we've met, allow me to suggest that we switch to first names. I am refered to as Rafi by almost everybody who knows me, including some of the few patients I still have, and unless you object, I'll refer to you as Ivan. Your "After the rain" is simply beautiful. I don't think I need to add more except that Henri would have approved. Thank you for your comment on my "Untitled". It is some sort of dry plant, defintely not an Umbrella torn appart by the wind. I never thought that this simple plant, the name of which I don't know, would cause so many speculations. Regards, Rafi Rafi
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 9/20/2004
Now that we've met, allow me to suggest that we switch to first names. I am refered to as Rafi by almost everybody who knows me, including some of the few patients I still have, and unless you object, I'll refer to you as Ivan. Your "After the rain" is simply beautiful. I don't think I need to add more except that Henri would have apprived. Thank you for your comment on my "Untitled". It is some sort of dry plant, defintely not an Umbrella torn appart by the wind. I never thought that this simple plant, the name of which I don't know, would cause so many speculations. Regards, Rafi Rafi
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/17/2004
A BIP for the VIP... ;-)
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 9/17/2004
IMO, deserves a BIP. Fav, again. Cheers! Carmem
* kees *
{K:2357} 9/17/2004
I love the mood... Very nice colours. Very godd perspective. You still can feel the rain. IMHO the BW version doesn't enhance the picture... Regards, Kees
Miguel Torres
{K:3998} 9/17/2004
Hola Ivan me alegra saber que eres 50% Colombiano, mi direccion de correo es mtorresr80@hotmail.com, si quieres ver mis fotos divididas en mis diferentes portafolios puedes entrar a este link:
Espero que te gusten hay muy pocas de Colombia, pero hay varias, bueno Ivan estamos en Contactos, Añadido como FRIEND.
Miguel Torres
Marta Pereyra
{K:5029} 9/16/2004
estupenda composición!!
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/16/2004
Armando, el color esta ligeramente desaturado. Pero solo ligeramente, la verdad es que el dia ya estaba bastante gris de por si..
Etem Etem
{K:3551} 9/16/2004
These fantastic tones and colours you've got ,fine presented atmosphere on the street after the rain.
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 9/16/2004
Excellent image !!!!!!!!!!
{K:42404} 9/16/2004
woooowww Ivan , compadre, esta foto esta increiblemente buena, una pregunta, ?es el color original? o has desaturado algunas paredes. sea como sea está magnifica. recibe un fuerte abrazo.
orwa juve
{K:6059} 9/15/2004
mi piace un sacco questa composizione, anche Spagna e` fotogenica :)
Francesco Carpentieri
{K:185} 9/15/2004
Una stupenda immagine di luce e di solitudine.
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/15/2004
Tu si que eres extraordinaria Mari Mar.. ;-p
Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 9/15/2004
It's fantastic. Nothing less
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/15/2004
Miguel... I had prepared the colour version and considered for a few minutes uploading that one. But then I thought... too much BW on the Henri project... hence the desaturated version. Thanks for the time you?ve just dedicated to this..
Miguel Torres
{K:3998} 9/15/2004
Great compostion and excelent mood in this image, i am attaching it in Black and white, i think that adds some better moment in the image, you should try in B&W. Regards, Miguel Torres

Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 9/15/2004
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 9/15/2004
What a superb shot! Love that composition.. superb details and texture. Great tones and light.. Wow! =) Cheers!
Patrick J
Sergio Sánchez
{K:2350} 9/15/2004
Buenísima, me encanta como te ha quedado, felicidades!
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 9/15/2004
like the perspective and composition; for the colors, I think b&w would work here as well (or even beter); regards lukasz
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 9/15/2004
Extraordinaria, Ivan!
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 9/15/2004
Beautiful perspective and I like the moment for the composition, Ivan. regards, Tommaso