The last of that photos session, i think... Color photos turn in duotone and blur it a little. That's where come from the flatness of the objects. Hey!!! What do u think? J
First of all: I think it is a real shame for a photo site that there are photos with no comment. One can find a certain photo boring or even bad - however, one should comment it, I think.
This one is difficult to comment, at least for me. It is clearly not my style nor something I would like to have as a picture in my living room. It is made with a lot of thought going in and a nice spirit of experimenting, I applaude for this!
The photo is in my mind too white (i.e. too much just white space in the right hand corner) and the subject lacks a bit of interest (strictly speaking for myself, obviously). The duotone is very nice, but I am not sure about the metering and / or contrast.