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How Time Flies!!
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Image Title:  How Time Flies!!
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 By: Lori Stitt  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Lori Stitt {Karma:75282}
Project N/A Camera Model Pentax Optio S4i
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Architecture
Around Town
Lens Pentax  Optio S4i Fixed Lens
Uploaded 9/29/2004 Film / Memory Type digital ISO 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 704 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 27 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
State -  CA
Country - United States   United States
About Time does fly by doesn't it? :)

Speaking of time, I haven't had much of it lately, hence my not being able to view all my friend's photographs this past week. Only 30 minutes or so just isn't enough of it.

I have been on jury duty...LONG days, commute traffic coming home. What is one supposed to do during those 90 minute lunch breaks when you're stuck downlown? Go take pictures of course. Yesterday on the lunch break I walked about 3 blocks from the Hall of Justice to 'Horton Plaza' shopping mall. It's really a neat place, kind of 'visual candy'.

I think you'll enjoy seeing this most unusual area, really different. One of the most colorful shopping areas I've ever seen!

Anyway, yesterday after the lunch break we found out that this potentially long trial was resolved...AM SO GLAD!!

I know all of you have wonderful images to see, I look forward to viewing them all!!! :)
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There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
Allen Aisenstein Allen Aisenstein   {K:5652} 10/10/2004
Woderfully composed still-life. Nice color and good presentation. Excellent work!


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 10/6/2004
Wonderful splash of colors. Well spotted or it 'spotted' you by being so flashy.




Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 10/1/2004
Beautiful colors and great composition.Well done.


Guy Dube Guy Dube   {K:6932} 10/1/2004
Very nice picture again Lori. Very nice colors and I like the frame who gives more impression to the picture, very nice clock.
Best regards


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 9/30/2004
Thank you Sam,
I appreciate your nice comment!
Have a GR8 day!
Lori :)


Sam Andre Sam Andre   {K:12484} 9/30/2004
Beautiful clok, delightful colours and wonderful composition... top picture


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 9/30/2004
YEs Jorg,
you are right; you've heard of the 'concrete jungle'?? LOL

This is why it's always so nice to drive where there are trees and hills and flowers!! (and animals)
I'm NOT a city person, I should be living in the country somewhere!!

Thanks for you nice comments!
Lori :)


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 9/30/2004
WOW...YES Gustav, this one puts mine to shame!!
LOL....I'm amazed it still looks OK as far as pixels and noise as I have it cropped a lot in mine, this of course being even more so. Thought I'd for sure get the 'thumbs down' over being more vivid, but I do like what you've done.

Yes, 6:00pm here...however the 'rules' to this 'debate' leave much to be desired. (sadly)
I have a special photo to put on around October 30th or so! :)

Have a GR8 day Gustav!
Lori :)


Gustav Miller   {K:309} 9/30/2004
Hi Lori,
great colors and wonderful clock.Agree with the title, too... I just love this clock. Please see my version of it extracted from your wonderful shot.
Kind regards,
PS. I am sure you will be looking at TV and so will I at about 3 o` clock in the morning over here.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 9/30/2004
Hi Lori, I know you're short on time... Just take your time, it's always good to hear from you...:)

I love the surreal colours in this one. It experesses the way of being outdoors after long, tiresome days indoors.... I like the business in this composition too. Well captured, and post processed.

Good to hear that everything is over soon.... Good to have you back!




arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 9/30/2004
well done lori :)


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 9/30/2004
No problem my dear Lori, Duty comes first! My favorite thing about Jury Duty is how much they pay you and the respect you recieve (for example, how much they respect your precious time)Anyway, on to the shot-Very interesting shot but also the title. Time DOES fly very fast when there's a, say, 90 min. Sudo - Debate on TV but it doesn't fly when your crouched in the corner shaking about the future. Very good composition and colors in this shot. 90 minutes ain't bad, not bad at all (but that's the system, ALWAYS putting the people FIRST!!!) Very nice Photo, All The best, Mark


Jorg Reif   {K:16020} 9/30/2004
Hi Lori, nice bold lines and bold colors. Everything looks so concrete but it is an abstract nevertheless. Great composition! Regards Jorg, and thanks for visiting my pics and your friendly comments!


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 9/30/2004
Hi Rob,

I think all the small clock faces show all the various time/zones from all over the world!

Have a GR8 day!
Lori :)


Nedim Muhic Nedim Muhic   {K:14362} 9/30/2004
Great detail and excellent lighting!
The colors are fantastic!
I love the perspective of this photo.
Great work!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 9/30/2004
wow. nice finding with this huge clock dear Lori. and the colors are soft and sweet. like a poster
Kisses, Biliana


NN  NN     {K:26787} 9/30/2004
Yes it does Lori! Nice lighting, shapes and colours here!


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 9/30/2004
A nice clock and very well captured. Waht puzzles me are al the small clocks on the circumference.


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 9/30/2004
I had to smile at this one, Lori, as Jessops is the name of my local camera shop where I bought my D70!!
I look forward to more from this series!
Kind regards, Chris


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 9/30/2004
Excellent shot Dear Lori,beautiful clock,very nice capture
Many thanks for commenting on "Shopping with ease"
Besr regards


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 9/30/2004
I know what you mean..time flies.. and I?d like to have more to stay here viewing and commenting my friend?s pictures...

But you always spend your time in a good way.. yes, a colorful place and a nice photo.
Cheers, Lori!


7++++++++++++++ incredible pic , composition and colors


Emmanuel Panagiotakis Emmanuel Panagiotakis   {K:6267} 9/30/2004
Times Flies specially if you have so much fun to take a beautiful pictures like this one Lori
Excellent work my friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 9/30/2004
If my memory serves me Horton Plaza is in San Diego, near the water front I have been there and believe it or not, I recognized it without your comment because of all the pastel colors, and open air.
good shot for only having lunch hour !!!
hope its over soon so you can get back to normal.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 9/30/2004
Another beautiful image. Well composed again. Don.


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 9/29/2004
Beautiful clock Lori... I like very much the composition... Wonderful colors...




Adam E. J. Squier   {K:9803} 9/29/2004
This is quite amazing. Not the photo. ;-) I was looking through the thumbnails and I saw that clock and thought "I know that clock." Strange, because I haven't lived in Oceanside for a couple years, now, and rarely went downtown to Horton Plaza except to go to dinner at that restaurant on the upper level that serves ostrich.

Anyway, It's amazing how certain things can trigger memories.

Now, about the photo: I like the colors and lines contrasting with the traditional-looking clock. I wish the "Wilsons" sign was cloned out. Also that stupid "Westfield" sign that's there, now that they bought out all the shopping malls in the area.

The man at the top adds some interest -- I almost missed him.

This photo brought back some good memories of San Diego, thanks. I don't have too many of them.




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