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Gnomes - La Fête triste
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Image Title:  Gnomes - La Fête triste
Favorites: 1 
 By: Mary Vareli  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Mary Vareli  Mary Vareli {Karma:15826}
Project #45 Blurry Image Camera Model NA
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Imitating Painting
Lens NA
Uploaded 10/20/2004 Film / Memory Type NA
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 878 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
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About Gnomes are dwarfs, the elementals of the Earth. Of course I used my imagination to "create" them as I have not seen any. Long exposure photo no PP at all. Alternative title "La Fête triste" (The Sad Celebration) but do not ask me why...a secret...
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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 11/11/2004
Just Stunning! I love it


David Bircham   {K:1300} 10/24/2004
Great! l love the rich costumes and the wall textures. Nice effect with the hand held long exposure. - db


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 10/23/2004
Merci!! J'expérimente pendant des années dans la matière du "mouvement"! Je tords les images quand je prends la photo, pas ensuite!! J'ai aimé votre commentaire! J'ai utilisé le traducteur, car je ne sais pas le français!


Andrea Falqui Andrea Falqui   {K:5787} 10/23/2004
ça me plait vraiment beaucoup.

Et me rappelle un petit peu une scene du film de Kubrick "eyes wide shut"..., et aussi un peu l'atmosphere (je ne me souviens plus s'il faut ph ou f dans le mot...) avec laquelle j'imagine certaines fetes du XVIII siecle, dans beaucoup des villes de l'europe ancienne, le carneval... un mixte de tristesse, de noblesse, d'envie d'oublier...
J'aime surtout l'effet du mouvement que t'as su user là vraiment bien.
Ciao, A.


Olga Vareli Olga Vareli   {K:22477} 10/23/2004
Dear Mary, I would appreciate it if you sometimes wrote the aperture and the shutter so people like me could somehow experiment on such images.Otherwise, you know..., hahaha!Very Beautiful Mary and actually it is like canvas , there is a waterlike feeling and a mood for festive occasion.


Kostas Tzanetos Kostas Tzanetos   {K:22012} 10/21/2004
haha,let me see TALL people in this filmpainting,ok Maria? don't ask me why...a secret...
be very happy!


Renato Renato   {K:4759} 10/21/2004
a nice story and great colors


Geia sou glykeia mou. S efxaristw gia to teleftaio sou sxolio.



Alex Louizidis   {K:689} 10/21/2004
An anonymous fatal gathering ?


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 10/20/2004
Thanks for your reply Mary. I know what you mean... I also appreciate that you want to keep the other shot to yourself, as it would spoil this image... I'm dying to see it, though....;o) I can only admire your ongoing quest for the extremes of photography...




Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 10/20/2004
I appreciate honesty, people save time when they are honest! I understand why you do not like this kind of experimentation, looks more like a painting than a photo, and a painting would be flat so it would not cause your eyes to get tired of the blur. I would send the "realistic image" too, or the same spot different shot, but I will spoil this one! Will break the magic, I admit, some shots exist in my imagination, the strange thing is that I try to depict it! It is reasonable that some images will be more likeable than others! After all this is photography and art all about 50% what the creator wants to achieve and 50% ( if this "description" is successfully made) what the viewer receives!! You give me a motive too look at the different apects that my immitating the effects of painting can have as an impact to the viewer. Harmony and knowledge is the asked thing, so I will find a way to achieve this!! Thanx!!! I love both good and bad comments! I answer to most! I am helped by both.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 10/20/2004
Hi Mary, Hope you don't mind me being sincere, but I think this shot is way too forced; most people would've disregarded this as a reject, as it's too blurry, without a single element clear and unblurred. It does remind me of having drunk way too much, which brings back painful memories. Probably that also has to do with me not liking this one. Maybe a fill flash could've been of some use here, freezing bits and pieces, as the there is alot of potential in the composition. I did comment, not to be negative, but because it does have something strangely attracting....




Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 10/20/2004
Ohhh is it a secret???
Great work and imagination!


Marcus Claésson   {K:2179} 10/20/2004
This picture gives me a burning sad feeling :) I like your imagination.



Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 10/20/2004
I like the alternative title...

splendid colours is needed to cover sadness...


a kiss


Mark Drago   {K:10902} 10/20/2004
splendid shot-- painterly--the figures are ghostly, eerie, and the wall on the left is beautiful. maybe--get rid of those light traces/squiggles?, or even that whole burnt out part there


karen clarke karen clarke   {K:18893} 10/20/2004
Love the bit of hot pink in the middle. The fact that all the faces are distorted, the feeling of drunkeness, perhaps the truth of what lies within. Even with the warm toning there is a rather creepy feeling-very haunting and disturbing. I can't exactly say what I really want as I find myself getting rather tongue tied, so I will just say well done, excellent~


John Strazza   {K:11535} 10/20/2004
very good!!


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 10/20/2004
Nice observation!Thanx! Exei kai kapoio xioumor olo auto, pantelis antistrofi...


Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS   {K:1916} 10/20/2004
H Fwtografia sta prwta tis vimata xrisimopoiithike apo para pollous zwgrafous se antikatastasi tis klassikis zwgrafikis logw tis dynatotitas tis gia kalyteri kai pio "pragmatiki" anaparastasi tou kosmou. Edw exoume ti xrisimopoiisi tis fwtografias gia perissotero mi pragmatiki-zwgrafiki proseggisi kai apeikonisi tis pragmatikotitas. Simeia twn kairwn e? :-)


**** *****   {K:9527} 10/20/2004
Marvelous! Love the atmosphere!


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 10/20/2004
I feel dizzy.. almost like they have put a "spell" on me or something.. Great composition! Great colors and light.. and also good expressions.. still noticable! =)


Patrick J




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