Manipulation!!! The image is cropped, coloured in Photoshop and has a raised contrast to darken some parts of the photo, chin e.g. _______ Persephone is the beautiful daughter of Demeter and Zeus. The myth briefly goes like that?Hades abducted her and took her to his underground kingdom. After some time Persephone loved the king of Ades, Demeter her mother was full of sorrow and rage against the cold blooded king of the underworld. ?The earth would perish?; she said and spread cold winds everywhere. Heracles the brave went to the kingdom of death and negotiated with Hades a compromise between him and Demeter. All agreed that Persephone would to spend part of the year with her husband, Hades, and part of the year with her mother, Demeter, for this reason when Persephone is with Hades the earth is wracked by the sorrow of her mother. But, when Persephone returns from the underworld to walk the earth again, Demeter causes the spring to come and welcome her beloved daughter home. ______ To Persephone
Orphic Hymn
Daughter of Demeter, Only-Begotten, Come, Blessed Queen and to these rites incline, Almighty, Venerable Goddess, Source of Life, Who dwells in the profound depths of Earth, Fast by the wide gates of the Underworld, Beautiful, Fatal, Lovely-Haired Infernal Queen, Source of the Furies, whose wrath descends upon those whom Demeter decrees, Mother of Dionysus, Hypnotic, Divine and Many-Formed Father of the vine, The dancing hours attend Thee, All-Ruling Virgin, bearing incandescent light. Illustrious, Horned, Bounteous Maiden, alone sought out by mortal kind, Oh Vernal Queen, who rejoices in the sweet and grassy plains, Whose Holy Form in budding fruits is seen, Earth's vigorous Daughter in rainbow hues, Thine alone is the power over the life and death of mortals. According to Thy will the task is done, life to produce and all that lives to kill. Hear us Blessed Goddess, send us rich increase of all the fruits of Earth. Send us health and peace with gentle hand, and crown our lives with blessed abundance, free from strife, Last, in extreme old age, when Death comes silently, we shall willingly go to the realms beneath, To Thy fair palace and the blissful plains, where happy spirits dwell, Until again You send us forth, into the world of Form.
________ I would love to see your version of Persephone...A tragic figure, a woman facing a dilemma, half in the light and half in darkness... so many questions concerning this archetype...... so many photos?What do you say?? Mp3s of some Orphic hymns:
Persephone was the name i gave to my first Spider a long long time ago. She was a "Beautiful, Fatal, Lovely-Haired Infernal Queen" for me - and this is not a joke,ok? ;-) bye teacher! -kt
Thank you Janette! The photo is shot during a performance but it has nothing to do with Persephone. Some images reflect my imagination after I have worked conceptually on them. This is my first pc manipulation (apart from some coloring and the series Emotional Leit Motiv)as I love natural distortion, meaning a slow shutter , panning etc to "catch" movement and to make the colors break. Perephone is a stong arcetypal woman figure and I think about her from time to time. I love your portfolio.Bye!
Wow stunning image!! 7++++++++++++++++++++ Interesting about! I really like about like these where we learn something new or reminds of something we knew but forgot about the long exposure effect and the warm reddish tones are perfect!! I love this image so much its in my favorites!!
Thank you James... you know that victorian painters and especially the Pre-Raphaelites have inspired me considerably! It is nice for me that you can tell/feel this through a photo...
Mary, It has a John Waterhouse looked to it, wonderful tones, designed, good cropping, & PS work. As I have said in past comments, I really love your poems, writtings that come with your photos. Very nice job, Mary!!! Thanks for sharing this with us. Warmly, James
It is honoring to hear this from you Hugo! Thank you , honestly!! I expect to see your version of have already a Persephone... the woman i liked so much in the last comments I made to you, a not so moder but still not ancient Persephone... I love it! Any more shots??
Hi Mary, I guess I would've phrased it differently, but I guess your concluding paragraph says most of it, but there's more... I also perceive some panic and urgency in this photo, aided by the grain. The composition makes it more dynamic than tragic and facing a dilemma alone, if you see what I mean. A very intriguing shot. It's what I like most about yur work; it leaves the freedom to wander and explore the field of atmosphere unhindered.
well said - this is so fatal!!!!! In my portfolio there?s foto "star named child", that was for goddess Vesta.I will try to work on your proposal. Hope in the next days to show my version of Persephone. Regards