Tamara L
{K:1387} 12/30/2004
I love the way you see things
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 11/14/2004
i like this one a lot..very soft and dreamy but still impressive because the way it is cropped
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 11/13/2004
Excellent Table Top Study.....Baki! Very well presented Lighting Control...Really Good Photograghic Achievement...7/7!!! Jeff.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 11/4/2004
You created a very vibrant shot Baki, for me it seems like the light is coming ouy from the cup. Very creative and unusual. I?m fond of "Avantgardistic" style and this one is....
John Griep
{K:2521} 11/4/2004
Like your color on color series. Very clean, great. John
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 11/4/2004
Excellent shot Baki,lighting and composition are brautiful Best regards
Mark Tate
{K:1151} 11/3/2004
great concept art baki!
Jorge Garcia
{K:8733} 10/31/2004
Nice experimental work. Excellent minimalism. Good still-life. Well done
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 10/31/2004
seems as if it floats...like this serie
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 10/30/2004
like the light here and the way you have used it to emphesise the object; well done regards Lukasz
Lou Dina
{K:12194} 10/30/2004
Baki, lovely still life and wonderful translucent quality. Regards, Lou
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 10/29/2004
Merhaba Great arrangement, like the light and shadow, play major attractive elements, super and brilliant idea, Saeed
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 10/29/2004
Simple and effective, as a good photo ought to be, Baki. Thank you for your friendly comment on my "Variation c". Best regards, Rafi
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 10/29/2004
Beautiful stil life, I like the softness in this pic. Thank you.
{K:2720} 10/28/2004
fine study of forms and monochrome tones... i also like the low viewpoint of camera. well done. waiting for others from this serie :)
Mirela Bratu
{K:-328} 10/28/2004
very cool projects!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/28/2004
Hi Baki,
what a great experiment! the soft tonings, the shadows, and the slight transition between white and grey is awesome. flying saucer ;-)
well done, my friend. take care, Thilo
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 10/28/2004
Hi Roger, I agree with you.. the thinner would be better for this one Thank you
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 10/28/2004
Interesting experiment. I think if the china had been rather thinner, more translucent, you might have got a more beautiful effect. But this is good...
{K:30945} 10/28/2004
I like it dear BaKI. Good light and composition! Good style life! Kisses, Biliana
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 10/28/2004
Thank you for your kind and encouring words Lori..
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 10/28/2004
Perfect exposure for this white on white. Wonderful lighting, couldn't possibly be any better!! EXCELLENT job! Lori :)
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 10/27/2004
Simplicity at its finest..excellent work!
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 10/27/2004
hi Gary, actually you are right about the horizon issue, it distracts my attention too.. thank you for the constructive comment..
Gary Gantert
{K:2104} 10/27/2004
I like the angle of view and the backlighting on the cup. The glow on the background is good.. I might have moved it just the littlest bit to the left. The one thing I would change is the horizon line. It runs too close to the rim of the saucer. If you could shoot on a narrower surface it would move forward. I think this would give the image more impact.
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 10/27/2004
Thank oyu Dandi, I will try your suggestions!
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 10/27/2004
Meraba Burak, evet aslinda egimle ilgili bir gariplik var gercekten, sanirim alttaki masadan kaynaklaniyor, cerceveyle ilgili olarak aslinda ben cerceve kullanimini nadiren seven biriyim,genelde de cerceve kullanmiyorum onu dogru hatirliyorsun, ancak bu seri icin sanki tamamlayici bir etkisi olacak gibi hissettigim icin kullandim.. yorumunun icin tesekkurler..
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 10/27/2004
Baki merhaba, isik acayip bir sekilde guzel. sekli tam olarak algilayamadim, fincan bir parca yukari kaldirilmis gibi duruyor,yani uzerinde durdugu seyin egimi yuksek gibi gorunurken, tabak ve fincan ayni egimde degil gibi,isik ve golge de yaniltiyor olabilir. meraktan. bir suredir cerceve kullaniyorsun galiba,sanki daha onceki fotograflarinda yoktu gibi aklimda kalmis. tebrikler ,cok hosuma gitti.
Dandi Zulkarnain
{K:56} 10/27/2004
Nice photo. The lighting and concept are good. IMHO, the composition is too conservative and tight. Maybe it's better if you put the cup in other edges and put much more empty space IMHO
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/27/2004
woow so nice subject like to Pia K.. but this one is cold in white roby
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 10/27/2004
almost floating