Hana Tamimi
{K:1320} 1/9/2006
Nice image of yours.
roland ketelhohn
{K:39} 12/14/2004
Hi Kamran, first,Thanks for add to your friendslist if you want to see more pictures from me clik on this link :-)) http://home.fotocommunity.de/ketelhon/ second your self portrait is god but no sharpen

Teresa Wilkinson
{K:259} 11/15/2004
Hi Kamran, You have very kind eyes. Wonderful shot, I like the B/W the best. I am honored to be one of your friends. Although I am at this time a non-donor, I do hope to be a donating member to this wonderful website soon. As a non-donor, I am only allowed three friends, so you complete my list! I look forward to your photos and your comments.
Best Wishes from,
Your new friend, Teresa
Alberto Pfeifer
{K:617} 11/14/2004
Hopefully attention is th eonly thing the pigeons gave you!:-) Very nice capture of the avian motion! And thanks for adding me to your friends!
See you soon! Alberto
Alain Mijngheer
{K:11733} 11/14/2004
Kamran, usualy I prefer Bl&W but this time I think the colour version is more powerfull. In the B&W version you blend into the rest when on the colour version you stand out( opvallen). Btw, nice meeting you. Alain
Keith Banham
{K:1306} 11/13/2004
Hi Kamran, Great shot. Love the movement and action.
Helmut Schadt
{K:780} 11/12/2004
Hi Kamran, thanks a lot for adding me to your friends' list, I feel honoured :-) I like your b&w portrait. You look very friendly and handsome. Also I like your beard, me too has got one ;-) Kind regards and please have a wonderful weekend, Helmut
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 11/12/2004
Hi!...Kamran: Great Candid Photograph..Fedding the Pigeon's Yes it's Best in B&W.!!! Regards: Jeff.
Hey!...it's Nice to make your Acqaintance...Kamran!...Thank you for Listing Me as a Photographic Friend! Jeff!!!
Steve Rosenbach
{K:8338} 11/12/2004
Hi Kamran,
This is a great self-portrait - I especially like the way you captured the movement and excitement of the pigeons around you. It is a great contrast between you serenely standing totally still and all the pigeons blurred by their motion.
I think this image works better as a Black & White photo.
Best regards! SteveR
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 11/12/2004
Kamran. I will use to tell you I have enjoyed looking at all of your photos. I am sending you a separate email. Del.
Imtiaz Khan
{K:32} 11/12/2004
Thanks for adding me as a friend. A very nice self portrait - well captured with the pidgeons! You seem to be clicking in all the places i dream of going (i live in toronto, canada). I am new to the site but will slowly upload more pics mostly from trips to india over the years. cheers
{K:20268} 11/12/2004
Great photo Kamran.... nice to 'See' you.... looks like your a real 'bird' man... - thats a nice thing to say!!! Your friend, Kel p.s i actually love both... but if i had tp pick...i'd would probably go with the colour.... ( even though i'm a B & W person, photography wise), i just think the colour adds character and meaning and probably depth... the b&w seems a little dull.... compared to the colour, it's more 'Full of life' and looks like your enjoying yourself more!!! well thats just my opinion!!! Cheers mate!
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 11/12/2004
Pigeons in amsterdam too?? I'm beginning to see a theme. I'd give some of the choicest crumbs to the mottled rapid blurr on the bottom right but they all have their own thing. I understand the smile, nice shot man.
Anthony Gargani
{K:4527} 11/12/2004
This is great! I really like this one a lot. What makes it is that it is a self portrait. Even if it wasn't it would still be cool, but the self portrait part makes it special.
Just a tad 'soft' on your face perhaps, but the rest of the image overcomes that easily. The motion of the pigeons is intense. I like the black and white conversion also.
Great idea...
I have a Digital Rebel also, so I know how hard it is to pull off a well focused self or timed portrait.
Nice work here Kamran...
Lodovico Ludoni
{K:5210} 11/12/2004
Kamran, nice to see you. I prefer the B&W version. Thank's for added me to your friends list. Ciao. Lodovico.
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 11/12/2004
This is a self portrait? Amazing and well done.
Lynn Moore
{K:1059} 11/2/2004
Definatly b/w..... with colour there are too many distractions.
{K:21564} 11/2/2004
P.S: I'd like to have your comments for my photos also at your convenient time.
Best wishes,
{K:21564} 11/2/2004
DEar Kamran,
Color photo is too small to make a decision however b/w photo seems better.
Best wishes,
{K:3526} 11/2/2004
Here is the color version

{K:3526} 11/2/2004
Can somebody tell me which one is better the B& W or the color virgin of this pic