Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 11/15/2004
Thanks again Mark! Now I'm really cracking up! Steve is my husband's brother! We live in different states, and we are both photographers! So we catch up on UF! Yes, the comments on this one has been fun to watch! I was glad that Steve (her dad) liked it though! It was different, and as you said, we don't know unless we try!
Glad you got a chuckle out of it! That's better than being scared!!! da
Mark Stein
{K:6210} 11/15/2004
Oh my, the comments really got humorous, is Steve your husband? I would guess he is. Very funny comments, I needed that today. Ann, I love your comment back to Anthony...dead was not the look you were going for. Oh, I am laughing so hard right now. Whew...catch my breath. On a more serious note, if we don't try something different and fail at them, we'll never get to something different that marvels people! Trust me, I throw stuff out here and I think it's great and well, it's painful sometimes! :)
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 11/14/2004
Thanks Matthew! Glad you liked it, and yes, it does show a different side of me! I just didn't want it to be scary . . .lol! I thought they looked like angels!
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 11/14/2004
Thanks Steve! LOL! I like it too. I'm so glad you do. Wait till you see what I do to Jess!
LOL da
Steve Cubbage
{K:452} 11/14/2004
That's my baby?! What have you done to her! Seriously I like it!
{K:1171} 11/14/2004
I like these as they offer a different dimension to your portfolio. Greeting cards.= UFO Inc, or Halloween
Very good diversification DA, Well done
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 11/13/2004
Thanks again for your honesty Anthony! As I said before, "dead" was not the look I was going for! Will probably remove these from my portfolio, since they are so disturbing! Thanks!
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 11/13/2004
Thanks Mark . . . I got an idea and I went with it. I like how you put it, "it got away from me!" I had done one of my son, that I thought turned out really nice, it's mostly whited out but his blue eyes with the sparkle in them. So I thought I could come up with some companion pieces, but I am unhappy with the response I've gotten. So maybe not . . . LOL! I do appreciate your honesty!
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 11/13/2004
Sorry it scared you Biliana, not the kind of reaction I was looking for! But thanks for your honesty!
Anthony Gargani
{K:4527} 11/13/2004
As I wrote on the other image-SCARY STUFF!
I see people...DEAD PEOPLE...they're all around me...
Halloween Cards?
Mark Stein
{K:6210} 11/12/2004
I've been looking around at your portfolio and this type of image is not a good portrail of what you are capable of. I like your soft, child-like images. This one got away from you. :) Mark
{K:30945} 11/12/2004
A scarry look in the eyes dear Dale! Kisses, Biliana