Adriana Rabbit
{K:3233} 11/22/2004
OI Gilberto! hahah ou melhor:lol... "esbanjando sensualidade" ai, quem me dera!!hehehh (lipsss) Gostei do seu peixinho! a princípio pensei que se tratava de uma flor!~:-) Forte abraço! Dri EStou sumida pq meu photoshop deu tilt... então, as fotos ficam assim, sem produção... e tenho postado algumas fotos antigas ~:-)
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 11/21/2004
You made this photo look more like a painting than a photo and I find tyhis very beautiful. The coloers changing from almost black throughred and blue to bright violet are like an abstract painting. Thank yoy for your friedly commen in my "Who am I" series and as to J. what man would not prefer her? Saludos, have a nice weekend, Rafi Best regards
Donna Jordan
{K:477} 11/20/2004
Cool photo! Took me a minute to see it but I love it. The colors and perspective are great.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 11/20/2004
Gilberto, Beautiful Abstract Teunis
James Bambery
{K:13421} 11/20/2004
Interesting capture Gilberto. Kind of cool. I think there is only ONE:)