Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 5/14/2005
Hi dear Hardman , How do you do? I?m fine . and distant of U.F because my camara was broken but I will back soon. Take care my friend , good to hear you..me aguarde.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 5/11/2005
hey you! i came back to this one so i could stare at your mug while i type to you...why no more images from you? Too busy with life?...hope you are well and would love to hear from you...Hardman
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/13/2005
Very interesting perspective. Thankyou so much Marcio for your comment on my image.
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 11/30/2004
I like this too Marcio. The neons and bright whites really are standout and doesn't hurt that there are two handsome men in the picture.
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 11/30/2004
Avec la moustache? je me doutais que vous étiez jeune, pour avoir tant d'imagination. drilan
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 11/30/2004
Very original portrait! Yes, I do. Greetings.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 11/30/2004
Oi Carmem ,
esse é um daqueles tripézinhos que encontra em qualquer esquina , coloquei em cima da mesa que estava..estou querendo comprar um profissional..tem uma dica onde encontro bom e barato..eh eh.obrigado
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 11/30/2004
Concordo com Rebeca... hehehe.. blue em inglês é down...
Ainda bem que não está verde de raiva...
Quem segura a câmera?
Não vai me dizr que aderiu ao tripé...
Acho que estou de volta!!! Carmem
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 11/30/2004
If you're feeling a little blue, I have some antidepressants you can have :) Cute shot!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 11/30/2004
Hey you!..yes, i like this!...it is BLUE (my fave)and it is creative...also like your big dreamy eyes (wink ;> )....you have been doing some great work and i hope to get chance to comment on some that i have missed,my friend...will be moving in a few days to a small rental house only 5 miles away!...Hardman
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 11/29/2004
O cara que isso...? eu me esforço para ficar Azul e voce me fala pálido ? Muito tanks pela preocupação com a saúde Waldemar.abraços.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/29/2004
I think I prefer the real you, Marcio! Good effect though! Dave.
waldemar ebner filho
{K:5242} 11/29/2004
Marcio, Estou te achando muito pálido, se cuida heim!Abraços