Shady Adly
{K:7814} 3/8/2005
Giovanna .. thanx a loooooooooot for your sweet , kindly words.
Sherif Nashaat
{K:946} 3/3/2005
Amazing Work shady
{K:30945} 1/26/2005
This one is great and so emotional. bravo! Love it. into my favs! Biliana
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 12/8/2004
Super work Shady, The PS effects are excellent and the words are touching. Great work and keep it up, regards, Khaled.
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 12/7/2004
nice & creative idea, good work with PS
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/7/2004
Great image, Shady! I think you caught the essence of the poem in your shot! Dave.
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 12/7/2004
WOW!!! Shady, this is EXCELLENT! You have a winner, I really like this image a LOT! Composition, selective color, nice art work, it's GREAT!!! Lori :)
{K:6651} 12/7/2004
Beautiful (sometime, somewhere, all we feel we are a strange...)
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 12/7/2004
Very nice Shady, full of great movement and lots of feeling, a very creative and well done image. Alison