Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 12/13/2004
The colors jump right off the screen.
The Armed Eye
{K:3563} 12/13/2004
Ah, the great blue again ! Fits well to the autumn light and this way you got an monochrome reflection of the upper part of the pic, nicely thought ! The little Leica does a good job !
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 12/13/2004
Now I'm confused. The Leica Mini can shoot both ektachrome AND digital? That blue I call, in my own mind, "JER Blue." You often end up with this kind of blue whatever the film/camera combination...
John E Robertson
{K:1752} 12/13/2004
Thanks for the kind comments, Jimmy. Hope all is well with you. I love Autumn as well, but ours only lasted about a week this year 8-(( not bad results for a p/s camera about the size of a bar of soap!!!
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 12/13/2004
Wow, John, that's some reflections in that pond. The blues are fabulous.