Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 12/18/2004
Bella immagine, splendido dettaglio, bella anche la cornice. Approfitto per farti i migliori auguri di buon Natale. Ciao
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 12/18/2004
Beautiful my friend ,merry christmas,love,Subhash.
Dana Finchum
{K:2200} 12/17/2004
Beautiful !!
Gustav Miller
{K:309} 12/17/2004
a very nice macro flower image. I personally prefer a more "quiet" framing for for such a beautiful picture of the Final Rose 2004. I think the "heavy frame" is too distracting from the fine details and great colors of the rose. Hoping not to offend you with my honest opinion. Merrry Christmas to you and your family. Gustav
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 12/17/2004
Lovely pink made more vivid by the framing, lovely Margaret
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 12/17/2004
Wonderful presentation Peter Daniel...I wisch you and your family a wonderful christmas and a happy new jear 2005 Many thanks for all your kind commenting and attention to me. Regards from cold snowy Holland..Riny Koopman.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 12/17/2004
Beautiful floral Peter and I love the framing - an excellent presentation :-)
Have a super Christmas my friend.
Best wishes,