mandy welsh
{K:3146} 12/28/2004
Thank you Eric! That helps alot. I will have to look into that website. Now at least I have an idea of what to go for with my in home studio. Much thanks! ~mandy
Eric Simpson
{K:2348} 12/28/2004
Sure! I actually used to rent a studio from a guy I met and he used seamless paper and some SP Studio Systems monolights. I went out and bought a similar setup. I bought a roll of White and a roll of Black seamless paper (9ft x 150 yards). I got that from www.bhphotovideo.com. I also bought the Savage 3-roll paper support system -- it'll support both paper and muslin. It's actually pretty sturdy so I'm very pleased.
I'm actually more pleased with the lights, however, The ones in the studio I rented were SP Systems Excalibur 1600's I believe, and I got the 3200's and I believe there are also 6400's. For a small studio, even with the 1600's I found it rare to have to go beyond 1/4th power. And they're very inexpensive. I bought a 2-light kit, with stands, softbox, and umbrellas for $480 bucks. VERY economical. :)
mandy welsh
{K:3146} 12/28/2004
Eric, do you mind desribing your studio setup to me? especially the backdrop, do you just use paper, what to hold them up or muslin, etc. I work on location now but about to invest in an in house studio. I used to work for a portrait studio and know how they did things but looking for alternatives. Thank you! ~mandy
Eric Simpson
{K:2348} 12/18/2004
Very cool. I bought some Excaliber lights -- it's a kit from www.bhphotovideo.com... I think it was like $480 or so and included the stands, umbrellas, (2) 320 watt second lights, and an octobox. I thought it was a pretty sweet deal. I also bought some Pocket Wizard stuff so I can remotely control them. Personally, I think they work really well, even if they do have a cheap feel to 'em. As a beginner, I don't need $3000 monolights, as nice as they may be, they'd be way over my head.
Thanks for the comments! I really appreciate it.
Elizabeth Wofford
{K:643} 12/18/2004
This pic IS great, esp. for a beginner! I know- because I am one myself! :) I don't have any studio equip (I just have a light, a reflector, and a tripod because I go to people's houses to take pictures instead of them coming to me!) so I know how difficult it can be! One thing I forgot to mention before- I love the contrast of the red and black!
Eric Simpson
{K:2348} 12/18/2004
Yeah... I was aiming for that single light, lots of shading/shadows or something... I literally got my studio stuff this week... two monolights, backdrops, etc. So, I'm still learning. It's actually getting a little frustrating because it's a lot harder than people think. I'll keep plugging along tho!
Elizabeth Wofford
{K:643} 12/18/2004
Nicely done! Love how it hints at things, but actually shows nothing! Would have liked to have seen a little more on the left side of her face though. It really disappears!
Cliff Rosbotham
{K:2908} 12/17/2004
Nice portrait Eric, good framing and colours, and a very lovely model cliff