City - Riverview State - NEW BRUNSWICK Country - Canada
Shot hand held yesterday afternoon . I have recently discovered the nesting area of a group of Bald Eagles not far from my home . There are 5 Eagles living there . This photo was my first real opportunity to get even remotely close enough to get a shot . It is not as close or as good as I would have liked , but , I have found these birds to be EXTREMELY difficult to approach undetected , so , I will take it until I can do better . Bald Eagles were non existant in this area , and only started making a comeback in the last few years . Nevertheless , they are a very uncommon sight . The day before , I was lucky enough to witness 2 adult Eagles hunting . I watched as they soared overhead , detected prey , and dove in for the kill . The unfortunate victim turned out to be an adult male Ring Necked Pheasant . He did not even see them coming . Brutal , but the precision was amazing .
Thanks Cheryl . This photo was taken just before a major winter blizzard hit our area ( the next day ) , so needless to say , the sky was extremely overcast . The sun was not behind the eagle , but he happened to fly across the only "light" patch of clouds there was . I was lucky enough to time it so I got him just as he crossed this "patch" .
Is it the sun behind the eagle or just the way the light is? In any event, a great shot. I can relate to trying to get photos of them, I have been trying for 20 years and finally got a few good shots on the Queen Charlotte Islands this past summer.
Turned out great, Rob! I know what you mean about being difficult to get close to, especially in areas where there isn't many of them. Nice shot! Dave.