Mark Julian
{K:36866} 1/2/2005
Ya but that's cause we spilled some "stuff" on it (you have to read the about for the full story)
Kristyna Mojescikova
{K:555} 1/1/2005
Good. Just technical quality is too awful.. =o/
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 12/30/2004
Thank you Lori and Saeed. Note to Michael - Ya, you're right, His older bother (they could have been twins) did some small bit acting work on "Happy Days" and Three's Company" then things went south so he got into Heroin and all that. Now I see him preaching on that Crystal Cathedral show...... (and you know what? The guy ain't too bad - he's pretty good actually - way too much hair spray though, got a "hair helmet" goin')
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 12/30/2004
:) super catch,I like that.Saeed
M *
{K:2614} 12/30/2004
The guy on the left looks very familar... as if I have met him before... hmmmm
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 12/30/2004
Good one Mark, LOL You are always right on for a good laugh!!! Take care my friend, Lori :)
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 12/29/2004
Ya but those are the crap seats (right next to D.C.'s big mouth, 4 packs a day wife)
M *
{K:2614} 12/29/2004
I'll buy them on ebay.
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 12/29/2004
HA, TRY getting a ticket - They're harder to find than Black gold or Texas tea (or the twins report card). But my pusherman Blake might have a few...... (let me know)
M *
{K:2614} 12/29/2004
I think I saw these guys perfrom done at the ranch in on my trip through texas. They were great and did mention they were going to be playing for bush. Maybe Ill try and make it.
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 12/29/2004
There's been a lot of puttin' down of my main man, W. , lately and frankly I don't like it ones dang bit. The latest is this whole Hub - bub over him not makin' any kind of "sympathy" statement about this Asian Tidal Wave thing (I can't spell Su-nam-me). Why should he? He's running a war (well, kind of) and gettin' ready to start 3 or 4 more. On top of that I bet he got a lot of coloring books for Xmas and, take it from me, those takes a long time to finish. Plus those ain't super rich folks or CEO's - what do they matter to him?(people die every day) Leave my man alone and pick on someone with common sense and manners. He's MY Cowboy !!!