stefano cavallo
{K:41} 4/6/2006
Bellissima foto, bellissima dominante! tra trutte le tue foto, questa č quella che preferisco!
naftali raz
{K:1819} 3/18/2005
una bellissima imagine, ottimo lavoro! mi piace molto la tonalita' ed apparizione congelato. grazie per tu visita a mia pagina.
Frank Beer
{K:10112} 3/3/2005
Very interesting capture, that keeps my interest, Marco!
I like the tones and the crop. And -of course- the massive actions by the waterfalls :)
Bye, Frank
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 2/20/2005
(: C.G.
Gj Stressedafrican
{K:503} 1/12/2005
A natural pipe-organ
Marina Mishur
{K:625} 1/11/2005
Just like fairyland gates! Marvellous subtle shades!! Marco, you are exceptionally right in the choice of the tone. Thank you for your comment.Best regards, Marina.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 1/4/2005
Beautiful scene as of theatre stand,superb.Saeed
Marian Man
{K:80636} 1/3/2005
great capture dear Marco!!!! beautiful water falls!!!!! I like it a lot!!!! regards Marian
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 1/3/2005
Nice tones, although i beleive the colored is wonderful too, good effect