Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 3/2/2005
great eye, great portfolio.
January Trzoda
{K:1776} 1/12/2005
very very nice :)
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 1/9/2005
lovely..... sort of abstract, sort of not. love the way you've taken perfect lines and mixed them up in the reflection. todd
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 1/9/2005
very nice reflection!!!!!
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 1/9/2005
Very nice: the contrast of the reflection of the railings is great - and that little patch of orange really makes this image. AJ
Sauro Marini
{K:3427} 1/9/2005
Bello scatto; mi piace molto il riflesso cosė ondulato dei montanti della balaustra; e il colpo di aranzione del lampione che colora il tutto; a occhio avrei diminuito la parte di acqua in basso, che cosė mi sembra avere troppo spazio
michaelle .
{K:3807} 1/9/2005
I really like the abstract vision of the reflections in the water, and the orange of the lamp is a nice accent. I might have saturated the water color a little bit more using Selective Color in PS, but totally understand if you are a purist regarding no enhancements using PS. Really nice shot.