Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 2/17/2005
This is gorgeaous my friend,love,Subhash.
Max Peters
{K:10} 1/13/2005
Fantastic shot Carrie. I am a newbie but this is really creative and I'd give it a full 7. The colors are very vivid.
Carrie RW
{K:-175} 1/12/2005
Thanks very much. I really liked the tunnel effect the lighting created in this one too. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate your comment. Carrie
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 1/11/2005
Just wanted to let you know that of the two posts I enjoyed this composition more - mostly because of the unique view from the underside and the creative use of lighting.
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 1/11/2005
Nice shot, I would have cropped some of the dark area on the left and bottom. Great Colors and Clarity.
Thanks for sharing, Peter Daniel
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 1/11/2005
Macro non banale, ben composta e dalla splendida luce. Ciao