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Up against the Sky II
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Image Title:  Up against the Sky II
Favorites: 2 
 By: Hugo de Wolf  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Hugo de Wolf  Hugo de Wolf {Karma:185110}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Nikon D100
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio The Dutch Files
Creative Photos
Lens Nikon  50mm f/1.8 AF Nikkor
Uploaded 1/14/2005 Film / Memory Type ISO 800
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1694 Shutter 1/1000
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 91 Rating
/ 31 Ratings
Location City -  Ellewoutsdijk
State -  ZEELAND
Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About Hi All,

I'd like to stress, that these images are not intended to make a statement. Any statement. I just love the atmosphere in these, and that was my goal when I shot these photos.

Actual Camera settings:

ISO: 800
Aperture: f/8
Shutterspeed 1/1000'
Exposure: +1 EV
Lens: 50mm + 2x teleconverter.


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de Wolf

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Communication II

Arches I

Commuters I

There are 91 Comments in 1 Pages
K P   {K:3499} 1/4/2006
Reminds me of my "Bad Doggie". Only she doesnt need a gun, ore dont i see things right?



Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 9/6/2005
Hi Dirk, thanks for your comment. In answer to your question, I never set my camera on Automatic, not for ISO, not for exposure (Almoast always use aperture priority) and not for white balance. That way, I feel I can control more, and make the shot turn out as I have in mind...




Dirk Noort Dirk Noort   {K:9683} 9/5/2005
He, Hugo je bent fantastische bezig.(i will go back to english).
Beautiful photography on your side, I will watch your work closely and upserve!
These series are excellent and very artistc!
One question, did your camera automatically adjust to these settings(iso,etc)or did you hand adjust it?


Raf D   {K:9223} 8/1/2005
Amazing series! THe mood is fantastic, one truly gets the sense of the surroundings. THe elements ever present, the hair being blown by the wind, or so it appears, the leafless trees. Great series! -- Kind regards, Rafael

PS, I am enjoying going through your work, it's brilliant!! -RD


Sam Andre Sam Andre   {K:12484} 7/12/2005
and it's a wonderfull impression of the atmosphere indeed


tom rumland tom rumland   {K:14874} 4/13/2005
hunted.... must hide


Paulo Vinícius   {K:2657} 2/23/2005
good tones and well done composition.


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 2/21/2005
This is a very strong image , love the silouette.



Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 2/16/2005
Great silhoettes of the tree and the hunter
Dramatic by angle contrast and posture
Excellent work !!


Sun Shine Sun Shine   {K:6225} 2/9/2005

You are right: the atmosphere in these are just great...special mood...very nice.

I loved it!


Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 1/25/2005
Excellent composition. Perfect silhouette and lighting. Congrats..:)


Olga Vareli Olga Vareli   {K:22477} 1/23/2005
I can feel the power of this image.It is so tense and dark simultaneously.


Gilberto Ziccardi Junior   {K:69} 1/21/2005
Mesmo sendo radicalmente contra matança de animais,ainda mais por esporte. Esta foto é muito boa.


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 1/20/2005
yes all 3 are wonderfully strong compositions with superb emotional content!


Hermen Pen Hermen Pen   {K:9168} 1/20/2005
Hi Hugo,

I like this series, the underexposure of the subject makes it kind of mysterious. And it is not always necessary to make a statement in a photograph - if the viewer is puzzled about the meaning, that is, tempted to make up his own mind about the image, that is also perfectly all right. If not better :-)


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 1/20/2005
wonderfull.....i like the photo for magic atmosfere and excellent viev of shot...dear hugo tanke ....hello a soon


Lee Harris   {K:14694} 1/20/2005
No statement here for me just a killer (no pun intended) silhouette.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/19/2005
Hi Chritine, sorry. Was just goofing around... Yes. I had been following this guy for a while, as he walked over the road on a dyke, directing his dog. I did intenionally wait for him to make such a move. It really was like that; battling the elements in the gale force winds.




Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 1/19/2005
I should have worded that better. I meant did you shoot from this angle intentionally to get the opposing forces. I know even you can't control the weather :-).


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/19/2005
Hi Christine, A much more difficult question to answer.... Intentional? To a degree. I still don't seem to be able to control the weather, so I got lucky there, but the composition, using the backlighting with the silhouette and the subtle contrast on this guys face is intentional.

Just an additional bit of information: It was a North westerly wind, gale force; I shot this photo at approx. 11 hrs am, the sun being in the south to south west direction.




Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 1/19/2005
Dramatic, threatening, ominous and tense atmosphere. Wonderful diagonal of westerly dark to light and easterly wind. Was that intentional, Hugo or just perfect combination of elements?


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 1/18/2005
Hi Hugo,
got here so late. I've been spending a lot of time reading the comments - almost to the point of keeping silent myself, as it seems I couldn't add much. Only then my own side : I feel the same drama as in the previous. Very intense, dynamic and oppressing. My opinion is that the face has to be detectable. Hard job, for I do feel that the dodging is noticeable here and it shouldn't. Just a tad less then.


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 1/18/2005
Looks like he has spotted and getting ready to shoot. (ducks? not sure really)
But nice 'movement' and anticipation sensed here in this one. And tension.

Very well done,
Lori ;)


Elena Zabelina   {K:23212} 1/17/2005
Very interesting and unusual seria. Very dramatic feeling here. I like how you show his intension and movement... Great impressive shot.7
Warm regards,


Luís Lobo Henriques   {K:9002} 1/17/2005
This series is fantastic, Hugo!


Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 1/17/2005
Hello Hugo, a nicely done series. This would be my personal choice of the three.

One subtle visual element that adds alot to me is the way that the direction of the branches blown in the background are in opposition to the direction of the rifle barrel. I think this adds alot to the motion and sense of forward movement that was acheived so well.

The shadow details that you preserved w/ the exposure compensation are another nice subtle element that makes this picture able to be viewed for quite a while - you want to try and derive as much detail as possible from his face, and it leaves you wanting to see more.

IMO the large tree to the left is the only thing that distracts me from the main subject. If it were perhaps slightly more out of focus like the rest of the background, or if you had cropped slightly more to the right, than there would be nothing to detact from this already incredible scene.

Congrats & regards from New England,


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 1/16/2005
...but...if I were to frame a set, I'd want the landscape shot to go with the others! :)


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 1/16/2005
The first and third are tremendous. This one grabs me as well, but not in the same way the others do. It's something about the placement of the tree on the left, but I can't figure it out. I'd be tempted to crop this so that he is featured more prominently. The light on his face and the way he is silohuetted against the dramatic sky are what I'm after, and I don't are much about that tree in this one. T.


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 1/16/2005
"the darker the sky" (by defile Des Ames)
I love these shots....the contrast is amazing...the images brind distant memories of in my mind...memories I have not lived yet...

highly artistic, moody and atmospheric my friend....


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 1/16/2005
This is a marvellous series, the silhouettes makes this dramatic, and very nice.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/16/2005
thanks, Surya! It's good to hear from you again! How've you been?




Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 1/16/2005
Great action shot, Hugo! I always appriciate your tonel experimental work.


Roberto Bertone   {K:13239} 1/16/2005
Ottima immagine!!!

Un saluto.


Luquésio Melo   {K:565} 1/16/2005
Very strong B&W shot, excellent silhouuettes, great visual impact!
Excellent shot. Congrats.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/16/2005
Hi Omar, Thanks for your comment. I like your approach in questioning it on a different level. I have to agree with you, with the ominous atmosphere, the feeling that the person in this photo is the one being hunted seems to be expressed.... But the story continues with the third.

I find it very intriging to see hat some (myself included) prefer this one above the previous one, and about the same amount of people like the previous one better. Both views help me look at the photos from another perspective, and help me learn, I appreciate your comment alot, thanks!

One thing; if you look closely at the mans face in the photo, you'll notice that his face IS visible, but only barely. It's what I tried to preserve by using a +1 EV exposure correction.




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/16/2005
Hi Nuno, thank you very much, your comments help me alot too!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/16/2005
Hi Fadel, thanks for your explanation; It helps me to look at my photos differently, and that's a very important thing in my quest to improve my photos. Highly appreciated!




Craig Hanson   {K:7836} 1/16/2005
I love the atmosphere too Hugo! Well done!


Omar Rifaat   {K:10141} 1/16/2005
I see my interpretation of the first one has come to fruition in the second one... Now there is really explicit 'hunting' going on here! But still the ambiguity remains: is he pursuing another or himself being pursued? The overall feeling suggests the latter. Great composition with the dead centering of the man contributing to the tension. The inability to make out details of the face also universalises the man and enables us see him as ourselves or our own inner aspirations/fears.
Very impressive..


Nuno Murias Nuno Murias   {K:5323} 1/16/2005
They ar eboth great...but the first one is still my favorite. I do like the frame... a white oe i dont think it would be so good! anyway just details the picture is great...i leanr so much with you!


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 1/15/2005
Hi Hugo, I think both of them are amazing, but I prefer the mood of the first one exposure and color wise, very dark but yet the person and the rifle can be identified easily, and also I felt the action of hunting more in it.


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 1/15/2005
If I can add something here, this work and the one before is a high art photography and to me if happen to be a photo exhibition or contest those 2 piece of art is easily fit for such subject, great exploration of such theme, taken with a diversity in a blend of excellent texture, Saeed


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Hi Roberto, Thanks, you have a point there! Much appreciated!




Roberto Carli   {K:13689} 1/15/2005
Because,of course in my opinion,it's much more natural,regards!!!!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Hi Fadel, Interesting; I do think this one is stronger and more agressive than the previosu one. Just curious, why do you prefer the first one to this photo?




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Hi John, that's a different way to look at his right arm; Nothing wrong with it, I believe. At the time, he was struggling with the storm whilst trying to direct his dog, hence this pose. I see what you mean, the perspective is blocked out by the near silhouette shape. Thanks!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Hi Ursula, Didn't know that, quite a surprise! Of course you can show these:) Nice to know that there are more passionate photographers among the avit hunters (or vice versa)... Thanks for your comment!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
That can be arranged...:)




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Hi Stefan, Interesting; I do like this one more than the previous, as the pose and the setting are more dramatic / dynamic than the previous one. I would've liked to see more of his face too, though. I already overexposed by +1 EV to preserve some of the details and contrasts, and the backlighting was pretty fierce. Don't think I could've overexposed even more without blowing out the entire sky, or am I missing something here?

Thanks for your constructive comment, As usual, it makes me look at this photo differently.




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Hi Max, thanks for your indepth analysis. The burned parts in the sky and the slightly visible visage are closely related. I tried to preserve some of the details and contrasts in the dark areas deliberately, hence the +1 EV exposure setting. I liked the idea of giving a face to the shapes, adding to the drama.

You are right, I did dodge it a bit, but only very softly. Interesting to see how it attracts such oposite reactions. Very informative and helpful; it makes me look atthe image differently, and although I still believe this one is much stronger than the previous one (as I replied to Roberto Carli, too), I do see your point, Thanks, again. Very helpful and constructive indeed!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Hi Roberto, thanks for your comment. Interesting thought. I thought this one was much better, as the pose and composition are more challenging making it a more dramatic scene. Just curious, why do you think the first one is better?




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Thanks for your indepth analysis, Antonio. I like the fact that the guy in this photo is not entirely a silhouette. It adds a fadce to the, what I believe to be, dramatic roughness and mood, making it a bit more threatening.... In reference to the sky, I do think the barely visible face does distract the attention from the blown out parts. I tried to achieve this deliberately, but the lighting conditions were pretty difficult...




Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 1/15/2005
It's certainly a great atmosphere, Hugo!
Very moody. Nice work.
Best regards, Chris


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 1/15/2005
Another great image of this moody series Hugo! this one is wonderful, but the first one is still my favorite so far.


John Lamb   {K:9687} 1/15/2005
This one has a more 'waiting, watching' feel Hugo, where the previous post has a more movement.

My only problem is the poor fellow appears to have had a nasty accident with his right arm.

Regards John


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 1/15/2005
I like your new series very interesting work


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 1/15/2005
Superb work and impressive scene.Well done.


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 1/14/2005
Hi Hugo,I love the atmosphere and I think I can get your intention as my husband and I are hunters for many years.This goes in my favorites,and I will add the previous too...hoping for more...
I would love to show these to a good friend (hunter of course)...and ask you for your permission...


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 1/14/2005
Less said Is best said


PostScriptum... there is a place for this or the prior... upon my wall!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 1/14/2005
I think you are stating your no-statement very clearly :-) I prefer the image you referred Fabrizion to a little better, exactly for the reason that I too like to see the face with just a little bit more detail.


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 1/14/2005
I would have cloned out the rifle ;) Ok, just kidding, I known this is not a statement. I agree with you about the great atmosphere of the photo (btw the black frame adds a lot of drama to the image) and I like it very much, there are only two things that disturb me, but just a little, not so important for the sense of the photo: the burned sky and his almost visible face. I miss some details in the brightest part of the sky, just a bit less would be perfect, the face.. I don?t know if I?m wrong, but it seems to me that you tried to lighten it a bit, I would have liked it totally black. I must say that this is only my opinion and that I wanted to be over-meticolous ;) Ciao, Max :)


Roberto Carli   {K:13689} 1/14/2005
Really amazing,also this is an excellent shot,but in my opinion prefere the other previous picture,well done!!!
Best regards.


Frits Selier   {K:455} 1/14/2005
indeed Hugo, an impressive mood. good silhouette


Max Pizzo   {K:3044} 1/14/2005
wow, the exposure on the sky is great, and you have got this perfect silhouette. I see his hair towards the left and so do the shrubs ... I guess there was a strong wind.
great idea and great execution


NN  NN     {K:26787} 1/14/2005
I like the fact that this is not a complete silhouette, as not in the first version either ... very interesting & dramatic mood; this could be interpreted in many ways :)


Francesco Martini   {K:12249} 1/14/2005
excellent silouette...


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 1/14/2005
very good capture with great atmosphere,
and strong silhouettes..


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 1/14/2005
watching at your shot Hugo I was in a position after which I see just a silhouette of the man against the sky and I thought I was watching him from back; then I stand up changin the position and a face appeared which change all the atmosphere you speak in your about. I was fascinated how much the importance of the sky change in the two alternative view; in the first being so much important causing an additional observation about some overexposed part. In the latter view captured by face the sky diminished its importance a lot


Gökhan KARAMAN Gökhan KARAMAN   {K:8878} 1/14/2005
perfect shoot...


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/14/2005
the new series... the silhouette! here an other excellent job! but it is a hunter,.. much beautiful the "fifth theatrical" of clouds and the silhouette! sure exposure on the clear part!
my best congrats


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Thilo, thanks for your comment. A bit more background information; it was blowing gale force 10 that day, and it started severely overcast. In order to get a decent shot, I had to use the teleconverter and the 50mm lens, otherwise the camera would've been blown out of my hands. It was quite dark to start with, and had to use the ISO 800. When I took this shot, the sun had just gotten through the clouds, but I forgot to adjust the ISO settings back to something more sensible.
Then there was the backlit scene, in which I tried to preserve the details and contrasts in the dark parts, so I chose the +1 EV.

As to the framing, the heavy, gloomy atmosphere created by the guesture of this person, the willow and the (what I see as) dramatic clouds could do with a heavy frame. I did try something new, and I think it turned out rather well (compared to most of my other frames) It fits with the tension and atmosphere of the shot. (Even) more subjective, the square format is intended to keep the viewers eyes locked on the scene. It's also why I composed this guy centered in the composition. Hope this all makes sence...:) Thanks for the feedback!




Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 1/14/2005
hi hugo,

again, a great demonstration of technique here. I cannot image exactly how one gets this outcome with a 1/1000/f8 with +1 EV and ISO 800. awesome one. it allows more room for the nature and the man. he even looks like a samurai for me. again, the framing lets me uncertain. creating a quadratic format in this case is like reducing the widescreen effect for me... hmmh... but you must have a very reason to do this =)

great one.



January Trzoda   {K:1776} 1/14/2005
i had looked carefully before i wrote my comment.
i like this photo so much that i downloaded it and made put some light to dark areas.
i found a face of a young man looking at me :)
and only then i asked my question, knowing the answer in a matter of fact.
best regards Hugo,


Jaap Poot   {K:7926} 1/14/2005
wow schitterde plaat,geeft een lekker dreigend sfeertje,chapeau


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi Fabrizio, is this more what you have in mind:




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
I didn't want to create a silhouet, and if you'll look carefully, there's a touch of contrast and detail in the dark areas. That's what I wanted to preserve. The original full sized image shows even more contrasts and details in the dark parts. The +1 EV was a deliberate choice. Thanks for your feedback!




Fabrizio Fiorucci   {K:4871} 1/14/2005
Good idea and shot: I would have left just the silhouette of the man running to emphasize the mood of the picture. well done :)


January Trzoda   {K:1776} 1/14/2005
very nice :)
why +1EV if you wanted a silhouette ?
you probably had to take it back or even go for -1EV in photoshop or something like this, right ?


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 1/14/2005
Hugo, A fine sillohette. I like the contrast and the composition. The frame, I think is too much


Ben Mok   {K:4084} 1/14/2005
Interesting Silhoutte!


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/14/2005
Hi C, I can only agree there. Good point, but I wanted to keep that statement off topic. Such a discussion is not the issue here...:) Good to hear from you again!




Joe Teng   {K:16723} 1/14/2005
Background was excellent. Nice exposure.


Michael Kanemoto Michael Kanemoto   {K:22115} 1/14/2005
Ditto - nice frame, most would have forgotten to use the white line.


Dear Hugo,
I liked this shot..
This photograph reminds me international poster of a moive which is Saving private Ryan..
I liked your using light on sky and causing the man darken..
COngratulations and good luck for your future shots!


Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 1/14/2005
There are no picture without statements, my friend. ;-)
Very strong image. Darkside kinda image. Like it!


Ivan Jimenez   {K:9078} 1/14/2005
Great non-statement.. agree.
Was the rabbit holding the camera?


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 1/14/2005
Powerful non statement. Works better for me this one. Can enjoy the wind in his hair.
Hunters care about the environment cause they go out in it I reckon.


Carolyn Wiesbrock   {K:14051} 1/14/2005
Excellent silouette and a great atmosphere.
Nicely done, Hugo!


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 1/14/2005
very impressive vision..fantastic shot my dear...great photo for magic atmosfere...hello a soon hugo



Michele Berti   {K:14921} 1/14/2005
This is striking Hugo. Much more striking than the previous post. This is why I really like this one the most.
Regards, Michele


cessy karina   {K:14205} 1/14/2005
this one also wonderful, excellent silhoutte, windy - moody atmosphere. I don't know but I think I like better the previous one :)




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